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1 Crown Office Row

1 Crown Office Row

1 Crown Office Row has extensive experience not only in this area of the law, but also in a wide variety of sports both as participants and administrators. We are therefore acutely aware of the particular problems which can befall participants, coaches, healthcare professionals and sports administrators alike when sport and the law collide.

We have a particular specialism in all aspects of athlete welfare.

Members have acted in numerous high value injury claims (both clinical negligence and straight personal injury) involving professional rugby union players, professional footballers and professional rugby league players, together with those playing semi-professionally or at amateur level.

Clients range from solicitors who act for individual sports persons to solicitors instructed by large insurers, medical defence organisations, governing bodies, regulators, sports clubs, health club companies as well as, on occasion, government lawyers.

Areas covered include:

  • Personal Injury – Claims (including high value brain injury / concussion claims) against opponents, referees, employer clubs, governing bodies and event organisers.
  • Professional Discipline – Acting for regulators and athletes in disciplinary hearings, in addition to advising sporting regulatory bodies about the fairness and human rights compliance of their procedures.
  • Anti-Doping – The familiarity of many members with medical issues gives them a significant advantage in cases of alleged doping.
  • Tax – Disputes arising out of player transfers, bonuses, benefits, and classification of sports.
  • Clinical Negligence – Claims against both club and independent doctors and physiotherapists.
  • Employment & Equality – Issues relating to gender, sexuality and disability as they interact with sport, in particular access to sport and unlawful conduct by coaches.
  • Environmental Law – Issues affecting water cleanliness / pollution as it impacts on sports from surfing to angling, together with the impact of development of sporting sites and nuisance.
  • Inquests & Public Inquiries – Inquests and inquiries into deaths at sporting events, plus inquiries into adverse occurrences in particular sports.
  • Public Law – Challenges to selection and funding decisions, whether on behalf of individuals or governing bodies.
  • Safeguarding/Sexual Abuse – Claims involving sports coaches, administrators and governing bodies at a range of levels.




  • Street: 1 Crown Office Row, Temple
  • Postcode: EC4Y 7HH
  • City: London
  • Country: United Kingdom


  • Telephone: 020 7797 7500
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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