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Daniel Jackson


Daniel is a partner specialising in serious and general criminal litigation.

He is highly experienced in acting for individuals being investigated and prosecuted for sexual, dishonesty, violence, drugs and road traffic offences. He defends professional clients, such as sports stars and media personalities, facing high-profile and complex criminal matters, where reputation management is often paramount.

Daniel regularly provides expert legal advice and assistance to those being interviewed under caution by the police and other investigatory agencies. He is effective at making representations, which avoid prosecution and result in no further action or lead to a case being discontinued during the court proceedings.

Daniel represents individuals subject to disciplinary and regulatory action by educational establishments, as well as sporting and medical associations and bodies. He also furnishes legal advice to witnesses concerned in a criminal complaint.

Successful representation of sports professionals includes:

  • Former footballer and coach concerning sexual assault allegations made by a number of youth players, including parallel regulatory action by The FA.
  • Professional footballer investigated for rape of an ex-partner.
  • Former professional footballer prosecuted for assault of a taxi driver.
  • Professional footballer investigated for incident involving a fan in the stand and speeding offences.
  • Professional footballer prosecuted for failing to provide information.
  • Rugby coach subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the RFU following breach of safeguarding regulations.
  • International and Women's Super League player charged with racially aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress.


  • Telephone: +44 (0)7887 756348
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Daniel Jackson

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