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Peter Csemiczky


Peter Csemiczky is one of a handful of ‘go to’ solicitors for high profile and HNW individuals caught up in complex, and potentially reputationally ruinous, criminal allegations.

He is consistently instructed in the most significant of these matters. Clients this year include footballer Benjamin Mendy, one of the world’s best known music managers, an extremely well-known TV presenter, and a host of other accused celebrities, businesspeople, and HNW individuals.

Peter is also developing a reputation for success representing young people and students facing allegations of sexual misconduct – which could potentially also be criminal in nature – at schools and universities.

Peter’s success in these areas is partly due to his ability to handle with sensitivity matters which, if not given the appropriate care and attention, would cause huge personal, professional, financial and reputational damage. It is also due to his willingness to ‘dig deep’ to find innovative legal solutions to situations which may at first seemed intractable.

Peter has, for example, had extraordinary success persuading law enforcement agencies to end investigations without charge. In doing so, he has been able to close his clients’ cases with minimal, or indeed no, embarrassing publicity.

 He has also persuaded schools and universities to conclude unwarranted investigations swiftly, and without undue negative impact on accused students.

Peter’s diligent case preparation, fierce determination and sympathetic manner means clients are highly enthusiastic about the results he achieves.

Peter is an active member of the European Criminal Bar Association


Peter Csemiczky

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