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Renato Parreira Stetner


Bachelor of Law Degree from Largo São Francisco Law School of the University of São Paulo (1992), and LL.M. from the University of Pennsylvania (1996). He began his career in the public sector, working as a legal consultant with DERSA - Desenvolvimento Rodoviário S/A and legal advisor with the São Paulo State Secretariat of Transportation. He then entered the private sector, serving as a partner with the firm Castro, Barros, Sobral, Gomes Advogados for more than 20 years. More recently, he was adjunct secretary of justice and adjunct executive secretary with the São Paulo Municipal Government and chief counsel of Companhia São Paulo de Desenvolvimento e Mobilização de Ativos (SPDA).

Renato has great experience in corporate matters and infrastructure projects.


  • Telephone: +55 (11) 3050-5050
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Renato Parreira Stetner

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