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Anirudh Mathur

Anirudh Mathur

Barrister, Littleton Chambers
Anirudh has a broad practice across Chambers’ core practice areas of commercial, employment, and sports law. He also welcomes instructions in international law and public law, building on substantial work prior to pupillage and in his twelve-month pupillage at a leading public law Chambers.

His significant instructions and advocacy experience to date include:

- Advising on a £4m asset recovery matter raising issues under the Proceeds of Crime Act and involving multiple jurisdictions (as junior counsel to James Ramsden QC).
- Advising on the merits of a £250k civil fraud claim (as sole counsel).
- Acting for a Claimant in a case raising allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination and victimisation, scheduled for a 7 day ET trial (as junior counsel to Lucy Bone).
- Arguing pro bono for an Indian anti-corruption NGO in hearings against mineral miners, before a Committee comprising retired Indian Supreme Court Justices (prior to pupillage). Anirudh argued against two top-tier Indian Silks over 5 days of hearings. The Committee commended his advocacy.

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