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England Women (Doping Control issue; Insulting / molesting acts), Decision of 21 September 207, UEFA Decision


Circumstances of the case

In the 60th min of the match, the England official Mark Sampson was verbally abusive to the UEFA VD, telling her "You better sit down, you little shit!" After the match, the Referee Liaison Officer was standing outside the referee changing room when the same official shouted aggressively at her: "You’re a fucking disgrace, it’s a fucking shame". He then picked up a metal pillar raising it above his head aggressively before throwing it down hard against the floor, shutting the door to the corridor, saying, "I’m going to close the fucking door in your fucking face". Also, the England player Jade Moore was selected for doping control. Instead of going directly to the Doping Control Room, she went to the team dressing room, followed by the chaperone. The association argues that neither the venue director or referee observer was a match official according to the UEFA regulations, i.e. Art. 15 (1) (d) DR does not apply. The association accepted the use of inappropriate language by its official as well as the metal pole interaction described in the delegate´s report while however pointing to a number of factual discrepancies between statements and the delegate´s report. Finally, Mr. Sampson apologizes for any inappropriate language he used both during and after the game. With regard to the doping control, the failure to go straight from the pitch to the doping control room was the result of an honest mistake following defeat in a semi-final and Ms Moore was only in the dressing room for a very short period of time.

Legal Framework Article 13 UEFA Disciplinary Regulations; Article 15 (1) (d) UEFA Disciplinary Regulations; Article 6 of the UEFA Anti-Doping Regulations.


The CEDB explained that Art. 15 DR should be understood as an attempt by UEFA to protect officials who, in the context of a match, exercise a function that warrants particular respect. If UEFA would accept that officials act in the aggressive, insulting and insisting manner, then the needed relation of respect will end instantaneously. With regard to the doping-control incident, the CEDB emphasized that it is crucial that every player who is selected to participate in doping control reports to the doping control station immediately - otherwise the accuracy and integrity of the testing procedure is undermined. Regarding the England official, the CEDB deemed that a three match suspension is the adequate disciplinary measure regarding the circumstances of this case. The CEDB further warned the England player for her behaviour.

Chairman: Partl Thomas (AUT)

Berzi Sándor (HUN)
Hansen Jim Stjerne (DEN)

Gea Tomás (AND)
Larumbe Beain Kepa (ESP)
Leal João (POR)
Řepka Rudolf (CZE)

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