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Circular no. 1887 - Amendments to the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP) concerning provisions regarding female players and coaches, the extension of Annexe 7 and the international transfer process for football

Circular no. 1887 - Amendments to the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP) concerning provisions regarding female players and coaches, the extension of Annexe 7 and the international transfer process for football


Circular no. 1887

Zurich, 31 May 2024

Amendments to the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP) concerning provisions regarding female players and coaches, the extension of Annexe 7 and the international transfer process for football

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are pleased to inform you of several amendments to the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP), which were approved by the FIFA Council at its meeting on 15 May 2024. The following paragraphs briefly set out the amendments concerning:

(a) provisions regarding female players and coaches; 

(b) the extension of Annexe 7 to the RSTP to continue addressing the exceptional situation deriving from the war in Ukraine; and

(c) the international transfer process for football – Annexe 3 to the RSTP.

(a) Provisions regarding female players and coaches

Based on the FIFA Council’s mandate of 14 March 2023 to explore possible further regulatory steps to protect the well-being of female players, the FIFA administration undertook a detailed assessment of the current labour conditions regarding pregnancy and maternity for female professional players with the aim of exploring objective additional regulatory measures. 

The amendments and additions to the RSTP in respect of provisions regarding female players and coaches relate to the implementation of the mandated areas and are aimed at ensuring clarity within the current regulatory framework. Furthermore, an equal protection regarding pregnancy and maternity (where appropriate) has been expanded to female coaches. A further objective is the appropriate implementation of these provisions at national level.

In particular, the amendments concern the definitions of the terms “maternity leave”, “adoption leave”, “family leave”, as well as article 1 paragraph 3 a); article 6 paragraph 3 c) and d); article 18 paragraph 7; article 18quater paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6; article 18quinquies (new); article 1bis paragraph 11 of Annexe 1 (new); article 1 paragraph 5 of Annexe 2, article 1 paragraph 5 of Annexe 6. These latest amendments focus on: 

  • • reflecting the reality of female football and promoting inclusivity by extending the rights and protection to adoptive parents as well as non-biological mothers;
  • • recognising the physical, psychological and social dimensions in the event of an inability to provide employment services due to severe menstruation or medical complications relating to pregnancy by providing for related rights; and
  • encouraging associations to facilitate attachment and emotional balance for female players with their families while on international duty with their national teams.

(b) Extension of Annexe 7 to the RSTP to continue addressing the exceptional situation deriving from the war in Ukraine

As a consequence of the war in Ukraine, on 7 and 16 March 2022, the Bureau of the Council decided to temporarily amend the RSTP to provide urgent legal certainty and clarity on a number of important regulatory matters.

The decisions of the Bureau of the Council, communicated via circular nos. 1787 and 1788, set out the regulatory principles in the form of a temporary annexe to the RSTP (Annexe 7) entitled: Temporary rules addressing the exceptional situation deriving from the war in Ukraine.

Subsequently, on 20 June 2022, the Bureau of the Council decided to extend the temporary amendments to Annexe 7 to the RSTP until 30 June 2023, with minor modifications. The decision was communicated via circular no. 1800, dated 22 June 2022.

On 21 May 2023, the Bureau of the Council approved further temporary amendments to extend and adapt Annexe 7 to the RSTP until 30 June 2024 with the objective being to continue assisting players, coaches and clubs impacted by the war in Ukraine, while at the same time aiming to strike a reasonable balance between all interests at stake and avoiding abuse. These amendments have been communicated via circular no. 1849.

The ongoing situation with the war in Ukraine has resulted in the need to further clarify the application of Annexe 7 to the RSTP, in particular its application beyond 30 June 2024.

The related amendments to Annexe 7 to the RSTP concern the following provisions: article 1 paragraph 2 a) and b); article 2 paragraphs 1 and 2; article 7 paragraph 1. These latest amendments focus on:

  • a further temporary extension of the right of foreign players and coaches who have left the territory of Ukraine and Russia due to the conflict, and who might not wish to currently return in view of the situation, to unilaterally suspend their contracts with clubs affiliated to the Ukrainian Association of Football and the Football Union of Russia until 30 June 2025;
  • maintaining the limitations on the scope of application of Annexe 7 to the RSTP that were introduced in May 2023 in order to prevent abuses and to ensure that players and coaches exercise their right to suspend their employment contracts in a clear and timely manner; and
  • partially reintroducing the obligation to pay training compensation.

(c) The international transfer process for football – Annexe 3 to the RSTP

Annexe 3 to the RSTP establishes the general principles governing the use of the FIFA Transfer Matching System (TMS), the process for international transfers of players in the system and the enforcement of the relevant rules. It also sets the obligations of member associations, clubs and their users when using the system.

In this context, a minor technical amendment to the RSTP has been approved by the FIFA Council in order to reflect the obligation of clubs to also declare in TMS any amendments to previously agreed club-to-club payment terms in the context of an international transfer.

The amendment related to Annexe 3 to the RSTP concerns the following provision: article 12 paragraph 1 of Annexe 3.

Entry into force of the amendments to the RSTP

All the aforementioned amendments will come into force on 1 June 2024, with the exception of the amendment regarding Annexe 3 to the RSTP, which will come into force on 1 July 2024.

The revised edition of the RSTP, as well as explanatory notes concerning the new provisions regarding female players and coaches and an updated explanatory note on Annexe 7 to the RSTP are available on

Please do not hesitate to contact Jan Kleiner, Director of Football Regulatory at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions in this regard.

We thank you for taking note of the above and for informing your affiliated clubs accordingly.

Yours faithfully,



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