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Public Statement on Sanction Outcome for Roheen “Goon”

Public Statement on Sanction Outcome for Roheen “Goon”

The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) announces the conclusion of an investigation into the conduct of Roheen “Goon” during his participation in a CS2 tournament. Our investigation confirmed Mr. Roheen’s engagement in prohibited betting activities on the tournament events in which he was a participant, a clear violation of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code.

Key findings from the investigation include evidence from live game footage and verified screenshots of communications with betting operators, which substantiate that Mr. Roheen placed bets on the tournament. His engagement in these activities and subsequent failure to report these activities to ESIC constituted a breach of our Anti-Corruption Code, specifically under items 2.2.1 and 2.4.5.

Given the serious nature of these breaches, ESIC has imposed a Rejection Order against Mr. Roheen “Goon,” effective for a period of nine months starting from 3 April 2024 to 3 January 2025. This sanction, represents a penalty for a reduced period of nine months due to Mr. Roheen’s early plea and responsive measures in removing his bets on the events which form the substance of the sanction.

During this period, Mr. Roheen is prohibited from participating in ESIC member tournaments. The decision to impose this sanction reflects ESIC’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of esports competitions and upholding the highest standards of conduct.

ESIC remains dedicated to ensuring fair play and the ethical conduct of all participants in esports events. We will continue to enforce strict compliance with our Anti-Corruption Code to protect the integrity of the esports industry.

Public Statement on Outcome of Provisional Sanction against Participant Joel “Joel” Holmlund

Public Statement on Outcome of Provisional Sanction against Participant Joel “Joel” Holmlund

In September, the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) provisionally suspended Mr. Joel Hulmlund for serious breaches of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code (see our Statement here: Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participant Joel “Joel” Holmlund – ESIC).

Notably, the provisional suspension of Mr. Holmlund, was related to his behavior while being a professional player for the team Godsent. Namely, that he had engaged in corrupt behavior contravening the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code during his participation in the BetBoom Playlist Urbanistic event, and separately in the IEM Dallas 2023 (Europe Closed Qualifier) involving Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), in the following manner:

  1. Between the period of 27 March 2023 to 28 March 2023, Mr. Holmlund placed bets on matches he was playing in;
  2. On 31 March 2023, Mr. Holmlund placed two bets against his own team in one match; and
  3. Between the period of 29 March 2023 to 1 May 2023, Mr. Holmlund proceeded to place 17 bets on various CS:GO matches.

As part of ESIC’s process in this matter, Mr. Holmlund was given an opportunity to provide further evidence on or before 6 October 2023, and to further cooperate with ESIC’s investigation. While Mr. Holmlund was unable to provide any evidence to the contrary of ESIC’s charges, Mr. Holmlund made significant efforts to cooperate with ESIC’s investigation.

Importantly, as a result of ESIC’s investigation, and with significant consideration of Mr. Holmlund’s cooperation, assistance, genuine contrition and commitment to seeking professional help, ESIC has concluded this investigation by issuing Mr. Holmlund with a Rejection Order spanning the period of 30 August 2023 to 6 January 2024.

This In the interest of transparency and public confidence, we are issuing this statement to inform the public about the considerations taken into account in arriving at the outcome of this matter and to provide examples of the matters and actions ESIC may consider in any future interaction with a participant under investigation or convicted of an offence under the ESIC Codes.

Assistance with Investigations:

ESIC is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and fair play in the esports industry. As part of our commitment, ESIC sometimes offer individuals under investigation, or those already convicted, the opportunity to assist in our broader investigations. This can lead to a reduction in their sanctions or, in certain cases, exemption from prosecution. In the recent investigation involving Mr. Holmlund, he provided ESIC with crucial information pertinent to various ongoing inquiries. His full and candid cooperation was helpful to ESIC’s ongoing investigations. Consequently, we have decided that a reduction in Mr. Holmlund’s suspension is warranted and aligns with the principles of fairness and justice.

ESIC encourages individuals facing investigation or sanction within the esports industry to come forward and collaborate with ESIC. By providing valuable information and aiding in our investigations, they not only contribute to the integrity and transparency of the esports industry but also stand to benefit from potential reductions in their penalties. This approach underscores our commitment to fairness and the importance of cooperative efforts in maintaining the highest ethical standards in esports. We believe that this approach not only aids in effective enforcement but also fosters a culture of responsibility and honesty among participants.

Recognition of Gambling Problems and Consequences

It became apparent early in our interactions with Mr. Holmlund that he fit the gambling industry’s definition of a problem gambler – someone who lacks control over their gambling habits and exhibits signs of addiction. Throughout his initial discussions with ESIC, where Mr. Holmlund was supported by skilled legal counsel, he acknowledged his gambling issues and agreed to pursue professional counseling and treatment. ESIC considers this behavioral issue as a significant factor contributing to Mr. Holmlund’s involvement in betting on CSGO, which was in violation of the ESIC Codes. However, Mr. Holmlund’s commitment to seek help was considered favorably when concluding on the duration of the Rejection Order issued.

Apology and Commitments to the Community

Mr. Holmlund has not only expressed his willingness to apologise to the CS and wider esports community for his actions (as detailed in his statement below and on social media), but he has also agreed to collaborate with ESIC in our participant education program. He will contribute by creating video content that highlights the risks associated with betting on one’s professional game and more broadly addresses the negative aspects of gambling, especially for those who struggle with responsible gambling. ESIC is confident that Mr. Holmlund’s involvement in this initiative will greatly benefit the esports community by enhancing understanding and management of the relationship between esports and betting on these events.

Suggestions of Match-Fixing

It has been alleged that, in addition to the betting offences committed by Mr. Holmlund, he also deliberately underperformed in order to win bets where he had bet against his own team. Upon further investigation and assessment, and in the interest of justice, ESIC wishes to clarify that there is no compelling or conclusive evidence that this is true.

Practical Outcomes

The conclusion of this investigation and the corresponding Rejection Order duration will mean that Mr. Holmlund will have served an effective 7 month ban from ESIC member events, which we believe is proportionate to his original offences when looked at together with the assistance and commitments detailed above. Accordingly, he is free to play in any ESIC member event from 6th January 2024 onwards.

Statement from Mr. Holmlund

Dear Members of the Esports Community,

 I am writing this statement to openly and sincerely apologize for my actions that have affected the CSGO and broader esports community. It is with a heavy heart that I acknowledge my involvement in betting on professional CSGO matches, a clear violation of the ESIC Codes and the trust you placed in me as a member of this community.

 Reflecting on my actions, I realize the gravity of my mistake and the negative impact it has had on the integrity of the sport we all love and cherish. My behavior was not only irresponsible but also undermined the principles of fair play and sportsmanship that are the foundation of competitive gaming.

 I understand that being a professional in the esports industry carries with it a responsibility to uphold the highest standards of conduct. My actions fell short of these standards, and for that, I am truly sorry. I have let down my fans, teammates, and the entire esports community, and for this, I take full responsibility.

 As part of my commitment to rectify my actions, I have agreed to participate in ESIC’s participant education program. Through this, I aim to share my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned, highlighting the dangers of betting on professional games and the broader risks associated with irresponsible gambling. I hope that by sharing my story, I can prevent others from making similar mistakes and contribute positively to the community I care deeply about.

 I am currently seeking professional counseling and treatment for my gambling issues. This journey towards recovery is not just about complying with the sanctions but is a personal commitment to better myself and rebuild the trust I have lost.

 I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and to contribute to the betterment of the esports community. Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.



 ESIC’s Commitment to Integrity

ESIC remains steadfast in our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in esports. We will continue to conduct investigations and impose sanctions when necessary to protect the integrity of the industry. We also encourage the esports community to actively participate in promoting fair play and integrity in esports. We would strongly encourage participants with knowledge of corrupt acts to come forward and talk to us. We are already discretely working with several players in addition to Joel to either indemnify them from prosecution in return for valuable information or to reduce sanctions in return for information leading to prosecution of bad actors in esports. If you know something, please consider coming forward voluntarily or face harsher sanctions when you are eventually caught.

Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participant Burak “Monkeylay” Can Turunc

Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participant Burak “Monkeylay” Can Turunc

The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) has concluded its investigation and is taking decisive action against Mr. Burak “Monkeylay” Can Turunc, a professional esports player formerly of the team “NoChance”, for multiple breaches of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code.

After thorough investigations, Mr. Turunc was served with a Formal Notice of Charge for violations of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code during the Intel ESL Turkiye CS:GO Sampiyonasi – Sezon XII – Playoffs. The allegations pertain to corrupt practices, including betting against his own team, “NoChance,” and breaching the ESIC Code of Conduct.

Overview of the Case

Mr. Turunc is alleged to have engaged in activities that contravene the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code during the Intel ESL Turkiye CS:GO Sampiyonasi – Sezon XII – Playoffs, specifically:

  • Betting against his own team during the competition,
  • Engaging in practices that influence the outcome of matches for betting purposes.

Investigation and Charges

The investigation included examining betting records, account registrations, digital footprints, and betting patterns. The ESIC thanks its Anti-Corruption Supporter member betting operators for providing evidence that was crucial in establishing the charges against Mr. Turunc.

Mr. Turunc is charged with a breach of the following articles of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code:

2 .1 Corruption:

2.1.1 Fixing or contriving in any way or otherwise influencing improperly, or being a party to any agreement or effort to fix or contrive in any way or otherwise influence improperly, the result, progress, conduct or any other aspect of any Match, including (without limitation) by deliberately underperforming therein.

 2.1.2 Ensuring for Betting or other corrupt purposes the occurrence of a particular incident in a Match or Event.

 2.1.3 Seeking, accepting, offering or agreeing to accept any bribe or other Reward to: (a) fix or to contrive in any way or otherwise to influence improperly the result, progress, conduct or any other aspect of any Match; or (b) ensure for Betting or other corrupt purposes the occurrence of a particular incident in a Match.

2.2 Betting:

2.2.1 Betting on any CS:GO Match, especially those in which you participate as a player.

2.2.2 Facilitating, aiding, abetting, or otherwise assisting any party in committing acts described in 2.2.1.

2.3.1 Failing to disclose to the ESIC a full and true disclosure of all the facts and circumstances with respect to acts described in 2.1 and 2.2.

Further offences under the ESIC Code of Conduct articles as follows;

 2.4.5 Where the facts of the alleged incident are not adequately or clearly covered by any of the above offences, conduct that brings Esport, the Game, Event, ESIC or a Member into disrepute.

Despite the presentation of substantial evidence and the provision of a plea bargain that would result in a minimum two-year exclusion from all ESIC member events, Mr. Turunc has not engaged with ESIC’s disciplinary process. He has neither responded to the Notice of Charge nor the offered plea bargain.

Sanction Duration

Consequently, in adherence to ESIC’s regulatory framework and the gravity of the charges, the Commission is left with no alternative but to proceed with the imposition of the sanctions as per the Anti-Corruption Code. The imposed sanction will be a ban of two years from the date of the initial Notice of Charge, extending until midnight on 6th September 2025. During this period, Mr. Turunc is barred from participating in any capacity within ESIC member events.

ESIC Update Regarding NA ESEA Match-Fixing Investigation



For some time now, ESIC has been investigating several instances of match-fixing behaviour which took place in the North American region amongst CS:GO players participating in an ESEA tournament series. While this investigation is still ongoing, ESIC has made this release for the purposes of issuing an interim update.

To date, this investigation has been subject to significant cooperation with law enforcement agencies, anti-corruption supporters, and other stakeholders in order to ensure that the behaviour being perpetrated is thoroughly investigated and prosecuted under ESIC’s Anti-Corruption Code.

As of the date of this interim release, ESIC announces sanctions against three participants and is still in the process of conducting 34 additional investigations relating to this matter.

Notably, ESIC has observed compelling evidence that suggests that organised crime groups and foreign betting syndicates were involved in fraudulent activities during the course of Season 35 of the ESEA Premier: North America.

Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participant Alexey Shyshko

Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participant Alexey Shyshko

Introduction to ESIC Public Statement on Lifetime Ban of Alexey Shyshko: 

The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) today announces a critical action in our ongoing efforts to safeguard the integrity of esports. Following a comprehensive investigation, ESIC has imposed a lifetime ban on Mr. Alexey Shyshko, proprietor of numerous professional esports teams, including Akuma, Majesty and Project X, for severe violations of the ESIC Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Code over a considerable period of time. This ban, effective from October 24, 2023, is in response to Mr. Shyshko’s involvement in orchestrating match-fixing activities and facilitating cheating within various esports competitions. 

As proprietor, Mr. Shyshko misused his influential position to undermine the principles of fair competition and integrity that form the cornerstone of esports. This included manipulating match outcomes for financial gain and providing unfair advantages to his teams in competitive play, encouraging and facilitating various players to cheat and match-fix for his financial gain. Such actions not only compromised the integrity of individual matches but also tarnished the reputation of esports as a whole. 

This decision, a first of its kind in terms of its severity, underscores ESIC’s commitment to enforcing strict adherence to its codes and ensuring a level playing field for all participants. The lifetime ban of Mr. Shyshko, accompanied by additional sanctions on associated teams and individuals, serves as a stark reminder that any form of corruption or unethical behavior within the esports arena will be met with the most serious consequences. 

ESIC’s primary mission remains the preservation of the integrity and fair competition in esports. This case, while regrettable, highlights our unwavering dedication to this mission and our readiness to take decisive action to protect the sport’s integrity and the interests of all fair competitors and fans globally. 

Overview of the Case 

ESIC’s inquiry was propelled by information received through confidential sources, betting evidence provided by our Anti-Corruption Supporters and match analysis provided by experts seconded to us by ESIC member tournament organisers, necessitating a detailed and meticulous examination of the activities surrounding Mr. Shyshko, his multiple teams and large roster of associated players. 

Our investigation unveiled substantial evidence that Mr. Shyshko engaged in activities that flagrantly and consistently violated the principles of fair play and integrity central to the ethos of esports. These activities primarily involved instances of match-fixing and facilitating cheating, which are antithetical to the competitive spirit of esports. 

In one egregious incident, Mr. Shyshko was implicated in facilitating a match-fixing agreement during a Bulgarian LAN event, involving Team Majesty, which he owned and controlled. This plan, executed between August 20, 2020, and December 2, 2020, involved the deliberate manipulation of match outcomes with the promise of financial gain for the participating players. In another disturbing instance, during the “Time of Bet Cup” event, Mr. Shyshko provided Team Majesty with an unfair advantage by enabling unauthorized communication methods, significantly compromising the integrity of the competition. 

The findings made by ESIC during its investigations into Mr. Shyshko’s behaviours paint a clear picture of Mr. Shyshko’s involvement in corrupt practices that directly contravened the ESIC Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Code, reflecting a calculated disregard for the fundamental principles of esports integrity. 

The severity of Mr. Alexey Shyshko’s actions cannot be understated. His involvement in orchestrating match-fixing and facilitating cheating not only breached the trust of players, teams, and fans but also threatened the very foundation of fair competition in esports. These actions, uncovered during our thorough investigation, clearly violated specific sections of the ESIC Code. 

The investigation revealed that Mr. Shyshko’s conduct breached Section 2.1 of the ESIC Code of Conduct, which mandates that esports participants must not engage in any form of cheating, match-fixing, or any other activities that undermine the integrity of esports. Additionally, his actions contravened Section 3.1 of the Anti-Corruption Code, which prohibits participants from engaging in betting, gambling, or similar activities that could lead to conflicts of interest. Furthermore, the violations also fell under the purview of Section 6.1 of the ESIC Disciplinary Procedure, which stipulates that participants found guilty of engaging in cheating or match-fixing are subject to a range of sanctions, including fines, suspensions, or disqualification from competition. 

This background forms the basis of the sanctions imposed on Mr. Shyshko, reflecting ESIC’s unwavering commitment to uphold the highest standards of integrity within the esports industry. 

ESIC’s Actions and Sanctions: 

In response to the grave violations committed by Mr. Alexey Shyshko, the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) has taken decisive and stringent actions to uphold the integrity of esports and enforce its Integrity Program. The following summarizes the key actions and sanctions imposed: 

Issuance of a Rejection Order Against Alexey Shyshko: 

ESIC has issued a Rejection Order against Mr. Shyshko, effective from October 24, 2023, culminating in a lifetime ban from all ESIC member events. This unprecedented sanction reflects the seriousness of Mr. Shyshko’s offenses and serves as a strong deterrent to others who might contemplate similar violations. 

The Rejection Order encompasses a comprehensive participation restriction, prohibiting Mr. Shyshko from participating in any capacity—whether as owner, agent, or manager—in any ESIC member events. Additionally, any team or player in which Mr. Shyshko has an interest or involvement is also barred from participating in ESIC member events. 

Mr. Shyshko was served with the Rejection Order and given an opportunity to respond. It is noted that Mr.Shysko did not contest ESIC’s charge and expressed an acceptance of the charges and the sanction applied by ESIC. 

Sanctions on Teams and Individuals Associated with Shyshko: 

Earlier this week, ESIC handed down additional sanctions for participants associated with the teams implicated in Mr. Shyshko’s behaviour. This action reinforces the principle that entities linked to corrupt practices will face serious repercussions. Further investigations and potential prosecutions remain in progress. 

Protection and Immunity for Cooperating Individuals: 

In recognition of the valuable assistance provided by several individuals during the investigation, ESIC has granted immunity to those who cooperated in bringing this outcome to pass. This decision underscores ESIC’s commitment to encouraging reporting of unethical behavior while ensuring the safety and anonymity of informants. 

Through these actions, ESIC affirms its steadfast dedication to maintaining the integrity of esports. These sanctions are a clear message that violations of the ESIC Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Code will be met with the utmost seriousness and result in significant consequences. This stance is vital in preserving the spirit of fair competition and the trust of players, teams, and fans in the esports ecosystem. 

Conclusion and ESIC’s Comments 

In conclusion, the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) reaffirms its unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity within the esports industry. The rigorous investigation and subsequent sanctions imposed on Mr. Alexey Shyshko and associated individuals reflect our resolve to confront unethical behavior head-on and protect the essence of fair competition. 

ESIC remains vigilant and proactive in identifying and addressing threats to the integrity of esports. We continue to refine our monitoring and investigative processes, working collaboratively with teams, players, and event organizers to foster an environment where fair play is paramount. 

We encourage all stakeholders within the esports industry – players, teams, organizers, and fans – to join us in this important endeavor. By working together, we can create a landscape that not only values competitive excellence but also champions ethical conduct and respect for the rules. 

ESIC is committed to maintaining transparent and open lines of communication with all members of the esports community. We welcome feedback, collaboration, and information that can aid in our mission to maintain a clean and reputable competitive environment. 

Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participants Dmytro “SENSEi” Shvorak, Maksym “THRONE” Semenov, Artur “DarkS1DE” Kravchenko, and Danylo “nat1ve” Bakin

Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participants Dmytro “SENSEi” Shvorak, Maksym “THRONE” Semenov, Artur “DarkS1DE” Kravchenko, and Danylo “nat1ve” Bakin

The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) has taken decisive action to suspend Mr. Dmytro “SENSEi” Shvorak, Mr. Maksym “THRONE” Semenov, Mr. Artur “DarkS1DE” Kravchenko, and Mr. Danylo “nat1ve” Bakin, professional esports players, from all ESIC Member events for two years following investigations into teams Akuma, Project X and Majesty corroborating allegations of multiple breaches of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code and significant evidence of suspicious and unusual betting on matches involving these players.

Overview of the Case

The investigations into these individuals were prompted by betting evidence and confidential information confirming their involvement in match-fixing activities. These activities, contravening the ESIC Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Code, include:

  1. Dmytro “SENSEi” Shvorak’s attempted engagement in match-fixing activities during several LAN events with Team Project X.
  2. Maksym “THRONE” Semenov’s participation in match-fixing activities during a Bulgarian LAN event with Team Majesty between August and December 2020.
  3. Artur “DarkS1DE” Kravchenko’s involvement in similar activities during a Bulgarian LAN event with Team Majesty.
  4. Danylo “nat1ve” Bakin’s participation in match-fixing activities during the same Bulgarian LAN event with Team Majesty.

Collectively referred to as Sanctioned Participants”.

Investigation and Charges

ESIC’s comprehensive investigation included examination of betting evidence from our Anti-Corruption Supporters, match analysis, witness corroboration and betting pattern analysis. Based on the findings, each individual was charged with breaches of the ESIC’s Anti-Corruption Code, particularly in relation to corruption and betting activities.

After collating and reviewing the evidence in light of the allegations, the Sanctioned Participants were charged with a breach of ESIC’s Anti-Corruption Code, particularly:

2.1 Corruption:

2.1.1 Fixing or contriving in any way or otherwise influencing improperly, or being a party to any effort to fix or contrive in any way or otherwise influence improperly, the result, progress, conduct, or any other aspect of any Match.

 Section 3.1 (Anti-Corruption Code)

 No participant shall engage in any form of betting, gambling, or similar activity that has the potential to create a conflict of interest.

 And further offences under the ESIC Code of Conduct articles as follows;

2.4.5 Where the facts of the alleged incident are not adequately or clearly covered by any of the above offences, conduct that brings Esport, the Game, Event, ESIC or a Member into disrepute.

The Sanctioned Participants were each served with a Notice of Charge on 24 October 2023 and given an opportunity to respond. The Sanctioned Participants did not respond to the Notice of Charge.

Sanction Duration

In accordance with the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code, ESIC hereby issues a Rejection Order against each individual, effective from 24 October 2023 to 24 October 2025. During this period, they are prohibited from participating in any ESIC member events and must comply with all relevant provisions of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code.

Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participant Swabry “MAJOR” Iddi

Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participant Swabry “MAJOR” Iddi

The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) has concluded its thorough investigation and is taking decisive action against the professional esports player known as Mr. Iddi for breaches of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code during a FIFA match against LEFTY on 8 May 2023.

After a comprehensive investigation, Mr. Iddi was served with a Formal Notice of Charge for violations of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code, specifically related to corrupt activities during his participation in an ESIC member’s FIFA match. The allegations are serious and include engaging in behavior that contravenes the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code.

Overview of the Case

Mr. Iddi is alleged to have engaged in activities that contravene the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Fixing or influencing improperly the result, progress, conduct, or any other aspect of a match.
  • Ensuring for Betting or other corrupt purposes the occurrence of a particular incident in a match.

Investigation and Charges

The investigation process included an examination of betting records, account registrations, digital footprints, and betting patterns. ESIC extends its gratitude to its Anti-Corruption Supporter member betting operators for providing crucial evidence that contributed significantly to establishing the charges against Mr. Iddi.

Mr. Iddi is charged with breaching the following articles of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code:

2 .1 Corruption:

2.1.1 Fixing or contriving in any way or otherwise influencing improperly, or being a party to any agreement or effort to fix or contrive in any way or otherwise influence improperly, the result, progress, conduct or any other aspect of any Match, including (without limitation) by deliberately underperforming therein.

 2.1.2 Ensuring for Betting or other corrupt purposes the occurrence of a particular incident in a Match or Event.

 2.1.3 Seeking, accepting, offering or agreeing to accept any bribe or other Reward to: (a) fix or to contrive in any way or otherwise to influence improperly the result, progress, conduct or any other aspect of any Match; or (b) ensure for Betting or other corrupt purposes the occurrence of a particular incident in a Match.

Further offences under the ESIC Code of Conduct articles as follows;

 2.4.5 Where the facts of the alleged incident are not adequately or clearly covered by any of the above offences, conduct that brings Esport, the Game, Event, ESIC or a Member into disrepute.

Given the evidence presented and the opportunity for a plea bargain that would result in a reduced sanction, MR. IDDI has not yet engaged with the ESIC disciplinary process. Consequently, in adherence to ESIC’s regulatory framework and considering the severity of the charges, the Commission has no alternative but to proceed with the imposition of the sanctions as outlined in the Anti-Corruption Code.

Sanction Duration

The imposed sanction will be a ban of two years from the date of the initial Notice of Charge, ending at midnight on 14 June 2025. During this time, MR. IDDI is prohibited from participating in any capacity within ESIC member events.

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