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Circular no. 1874 - FIFA Football Agent Regulations: licensing updates and information on the Agents Chamber of the FIFA Football Tribunal

Circular no. 1874 - FIFA Football Agent Regulations: licensing updates and information on the Agents Chamber of the FIFA Football Tribunal


Circular no. 1874

Zurich, 10 January 2024

FIFA Football Agent Regulations: licensing updates and information on the Agents Chamber of the FIFA Football Tribunal

Dear Sir or Madam,

Firstly, we would like to thank you for all your efforts and hard work on the implementation of the FIFA Football Agent Regulations (FFAR), including the organisation of the first two editions of the FIFA Football Agent exam during the past year 2023 (hereinafter the “Exam”).

With these efforts, the transition phase towards the full implementation of the FFAR has been successfully completed, with more than 5,000 Football Agent licences having been granted worldwide, national football agent regulations being approved by member associations and the members of the Agents Chamber of the FIFA Football Tribunal appointed. 

We wish to provide you hereinafter with some licensing updates and information on the Agents Chamber.

1. Licensing of Football Agents

In accordance with Enclosure 2 to circular no. 1827, we are providing you with additional information on the licensing of Football Agents for the year 2024.

We kindly remind you that only individuals that have been granted a Football Agent licence by FIFA pursuant to the FFAR can provide Football Agent Services, as defined in the FFAR and the applicable national football agent regulations.

Any breaches of the FFAR, including evidence of non-licensed activity of individuals or companies, can be reported on the FIFA Reporting Portal.

Exam licensing path (art. 4 of the FFAR) We kindly inform you of the dates have been set for the next exam, due to take place in 2024.

FIFA Football Agent exam Application period 9 January to 31 March 2024 Exam date 22 May 2024

We kindly remind you that all applications are to be submitted on the FIFA Agent Platform (hereinafter the “Platform”) by interested candidates and will be regularly reviewed by member associations through their user accounts registered on the Platform. For the avoidance of any doubt, all deadlines for the submission of applications on the Platform correspond to Central European Time (CET).

After reviewing feedback received from the members of the FIFA Football Agent Working Group (“FAWG”) and from candidates, the FIFA administration hereby kindly reminds all member associations that exam fees charged by member associations to candidates for organising the Exam should be exclusively used to cover the costs of organising and holding the exam. In that regard, the FIFA administration recommends that member associations ensure that the exam fee does not exceed the amount of USD 600 (or equivalent).

Furthermore, the applicable exam rules and study materials will be published on the Platform and the FIFA website in January 2024.

Reduction of licence fee for continuous licence holders

Following consultations with the members of the FAWG, as from 1 October 2024, the licence fee paid to FIFA for all Football Agent licence renewals will be reduced to USD 300 for each subsequent licensing period. Those individuals that obtain their Football Agent licence for the first time will pay the full amount of USD 600 for the first licensing period, with subsequent yearly payments being reduced to USD 300.

By way of example, if a candidate passes the exam in May 2024, they need to pay the annual fee of USD 600 within 90 days. Then, before 1 October, that same Football Agent will pay USD 300 for each consecutive licence year.

2. FIFA Football Tribunal: Agents Chamber

Following the creation of the Agents Chamber of the FIFA Football Tribunal, FIFA informs that the current list of judges representing different stakeholders, including the recent appointment of the Chairperson and Deputy chairperson, can be found on

Please do not hesitate to contact Luís Villas-Boas Pires (head of agents) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you have any questions in this regard.

We thank you for your attention and for ensuring that your affiliated clubs and relevant stakeholders are informed accordingly.

Yours faithfully,



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