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EFL Statement: Club meeting

EFL Statement: Club meeting

At a meeting of EFL Clubs today a comprehensive update was provided on the status of ongoing discussions between the EFL and Premier League. 

A draft proposal from the Premier League was examined in full, as Clubs were given information on the structure of a potential future financial arrangement for them.

An appraisal of conditions linked to future funding including cost controls, distribution mechanics, the football calendar and the impact of the Government’s proposed Independent Football Regulator (IFR) as part of the Football Governance White Paper, was also provided to Clubs.  

A representative of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport was in attendance to offer an update on the establishment of the IFR so that Clubs could consider all relevant matters together.

As several important issues are still to be resolved, it was made clear at the meeting that nothing has been agreed with either the Premier League or its Clubs. As such EFL Clubs were not required to vote or take a decision on any matter, but instead held a proactive debate on the current status of the discussions. 

To maintain momentum, the League will now enter into targeted consultation with all EFL Clubs in smaller groups, to consider additional context and detail of the proposal. Club views will be collated to inform the discussions with the Premier League which have been ongoing throughout 2023, as we seek a speedy and satisfactory conclusion to improve the financial health of EFL Clubs. 

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