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FIFPRO member unions approve governance upgrades to enhance global player support

FIFPRO member unions approve governance upgrades to enhance global player support
  • Unions endorse key FIFPRO governance structure reforms and improvements

  • Organisational recommendations made following review by management consultancy Oliver Wyman

  • Changes include strengthening executive management, reducing board size and implementing term limits

FIFPRO’s member player unions have today approved by an overwhelming majority governance recommendations to enhance the global representation of professional footballers following a review by management consultancy Oliver Wyman.

The governance upgrades that will be introduced over the coming months will streamline how the global board and management operate, making FIFPRO more agile to support and empower players around the world. Member unions agreed to the changes at an extraordinary general assembly which is taking place at FIFPRO headquarters.

Among the recommendations approved were the strengthening of FIFPRO’s executive management team, a reduction in the size of the 18-person global board, and the introduction of a maximum of three term limits for global board members.

As part of the transition to the new governance structure, the current board has agreed to step down to facilitate the process and will be substituted by an interim board until a 12-person board is elected at a General Assembly in November 2024.

FIFPRO is the exclusive global representative of professional footballers and its 66 affiliated national unions between them represent more than 60,000 players.

Among recent achievements for players, FIFPRO negotiated the right for footballers to receive a guaranteed share of FIFA Women’s World Cup prize money and successfully pushed for the first maternity rules across professional football.

Besides supporting national unions and players in hundreds of employment tribunal cases each year, FIFPRO is leading a series of international initiatives for footballers, such as protecting their personal data rights and, at the pinnacle of the game, easing mounting match congestion.

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