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Swansea City's Player Liaison Officer Sanctioned

Swansea City's Player Liaison Officer Sanctioned

Swansea City’s player liaison officer has been suspended from all football and football-related activity for 12 months and fined £1,500 following misconduct in relation to betting. 
The FA alleged that Huw Lake had placed 2,476 bets on football matches between 03 April 2018 and 24 September 2023, and he subsequently admitted to this charge. 
An independent Regulatory Commission imposed a 12-month ban from all football and football-related activity, with three months to be served immediately and the remainder to be suspended until the end of the 2024/25 season, and £1,500 fine. 
The FA appealed against the independent Regulatory Commission’s decision on the grounds that it came to a decision which no reasonable such body could have come; and imposed a penalty, award or sanction that was so unduly lenient as to be unreasonable.
An independent Appeal Board found that the decision to suspend nine months of the suspension was unreasonable and/or so unduly lenient as to be unreasonable, and it substituted a 12-month suspension to be served in its entirety from 25 March 2024. 
The written reasons for both the independent Appeal Board and Regulatory Commission’s decisions can be read below.

The FA v Huw Lake - Appeal Board - 21 May 2024

The FA v Huw Lake - 25 March 2024

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