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Agreements on the exploitation of broadcasting rights to sports events in Hungary

Agreements on the exploitation of broadcasting rights to sports events in Hungary
Thursday, 20 September 2012 Author: Péter Rippel-Szabó

This article will look into the legal background and practical structuring of agreements on the exploitation of broadcasting rights concluded by Hungarian sports rights holders. Special emphasis will be devoted to providing an overview (i) on the provisions of the Hungarian Sports Act ('Sports Act') on the exploitation of broadcasting rights and (ii) on the practical background of agreements on joint selling of broadcasting rights entered into by sports associations. In this article the term 'broadcasting rights' refers to the right to broadcast sports events through television, radio and platforms of new media (internet and mobile).1

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Written by

Péter Rippel-Szabó

Péter Rippel-Szabó

Attorney at Law, Bird & Bird

Péter is a Hungarian attorney-at-law and associate at Bird & Bird in Budapest, specializing in commercial and sports matters.

Comments (2)

  • Francis Lee

    • 27 March 2013 at 04:53
    • #


    How would you advise as club owners, 1) How do we make use UEFA regulations and 2) exploiting and protecting the club intellectual property rights.

    Just need you to help me in short summarizing.

    Thank you


  • SnoLegal

    • 30 May 2013 at 15:00
    • #

    Now this was the most interesting article I've read all day! Although you say Hungary's Sports Act is not as in-depth as other EU countries, it definitely contains a lot more provisions than the Kenyan Sports Act does. We really have no regulations on broadcasting rights for sports, and this article has provided a good break-down of what ought to be in place.
    Hopefully Kenya shall get to this level in the near future.


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