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Anti-Doping Rule Violations Asserted Against U SPORTS Football Player


The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) announced today that under the rules of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), it has asserted two anti-doping rule violations against Dimitrios Papanikolaou, a U SPORTS football athlete affiliated with McGill University. The athlete’s urine samples, collected in-competition on October 23, 2021 and out-of-competition on October 13, 2022, both revealed the presence of SARM LGD-4033, a prohibited anabolic agent.

In accordance with the rules of the CADP, the athlete has requested a hearing to contest the applicable sanctions in relation to both anti-doping rule violations, which he has admitted. The athlete is currently serving a provisional suspension pending the outcome of a hearing scheduled for May 3 and 4, 2023. 

Rule 14.3.1 of the CADP provides the CCES with the authority to publicly disclose the identity of an athlete against whom the CCES has asserted an anti-doping rule violation and whether the athlete is subject to a provisional suspension. The CCES has exercised this authority given that the athlete is eligible for the Canadian Football League’s (CFL) draft on May 2, 2023.   

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