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Circular no. 1848 - FIFA Integrity Experts - Open for Applications

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Circular no. 1848


Integrity experts


Dear Sir or Madam,

During its meeting in Doha on 16 December 2022, the FIFA Council approved the 2023 edition of the FIFA Disciplinary Code (FDC) and of the FIFA Code of Ethics (FCE), which both included the implementation of integrity experts to conduct investigations before FIFA’s judicial bodies.

In accordance with article 36 paragraph 3 of the FDC, the purpose of this circular is to explain the requirements and conditions of their appointment and the role they perform.

  1. Role and functions


In accordance with article 36 of the FDC and article 61 of the FCE, independent integrity experts may be entrusted by the secretariat of the FIFA judicial bodies to support the necessary investigations into potential breaches of FIFA regulations.

In particular, they may:

  • • engage third parties;
  • • gather evidence by collecting written information, requesting documents and obtaining witness statements; • request the opening of disciplinary and/or ethics proceedings;
  • • propose that disciplinary measures be imposed on member associations, clubs and individuals;
  • • represent FIFA in proceedings before the FIFA judicial bodies;
  • • lodge appeals against decisions rendered by the FIFA judicial bodies in disciplinary proceedings; and
  • • support FIFA before the Court of Arbitration for Sport in appeal proceedings against decisions rendered by the FIFA judicial bodies.
  1. Requirements

In order to be eligible for selection on FIFA’s list of integrity experts, candidates are required to present evidence of appropriate experience and expertise either in conducting investigations and/or in the field of football/sports law.

In particular, they must fulfil the following criteria:

- Have a minimum of three to five years’ experience with sports organisations, and/or have a minimum of three to five years’ experience in conducting investigations

- Have proven expertise in dealing with cases in one or both of the following fields:

  • disciplinary matters, including doping or match manipulation
  • ethics matters, including sexual harassment and abuse, protection of physical and mental integrity, corruption and bribery

- Fluency in at least two of the following official FIFA languages would be an asset: English, Spanish and/or French

- Be independent, impartial and avoid third-party influence and have no pre-existing relationship with or official function at FIFA or any FIFA judicial body

 - Have no criminal convictions and no record of professional misconduct

  • Conditions for appointment

Candidates interested in being included on FIFA’s list of integrity experts who meet the abovementioned requirements should submit their application (including a letter of motivation and CV) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 31 May 2023.

The applications will then be reviewed by the secretariat of the FIFA judicial bodies, which will draw up a final list of integrity experts based on their respective fields of expertise. The list will subsequently be submitted to the FIFA Council for ratification.

Upon ratification, the list of integrity experts will be published on

  1. Terms

The term as integrity expert shall be limited to four years. The list of FIFA’s integrity experts will therefore be renewed every four years. An integrity expert in breach of FIFA regulations and/or national laws may be removed from the list by the FIFA general secretariat.

  1. Conditions

During their term, all integrity experts are required to act in accordance with the highest standards of integrity and honesty at all times in the performance of their duties in alignment with FIFA’s rules and regulations.

  1. Additional information

Any queries on this subject can be addressed by email to the FIFA Judicial Bodies Subdivision at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Yours faithfully,



Fatma Samoura

Secretary General

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