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Rugby League player Robert Oakley banned for three-years for Anti-Doping Rule Violation

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has confirmed that Rugby League player Robert Oakley has been banned from all sport for a period of three-years following first Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) for the Use and Presence of four Prohibited Substances in his urine Sample.  

On 14 June 2022, UKAD collected an Out-of-Competition urine Sample from Mr Oakley at a London Broncos’ squad training session. Analysis of Mr Oakley’s Sample returned Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs) for RAD140, ostarine (enobosarm), LGD-4033 (ligandrol) and its Metabolite dihydroxy-LGD-4033, and GW1516 and its Metabolites GW1516-sulfoxide and GW1516-sulfone. 

RAD140, ostarine and LGD-4033 are listed under S1.2 of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 2022 Prohibited List as Anabolic Agents and GW1516 is listed under S4.4 as a Hormone and Metabolic Modulator. These substances are non-Specified Substances that are prohibited at all times.  

On 6 September 2022, UKAD notified Mr Oakley of the AAFs and issued him with a Provisional Suspension from that date. On 3 November 2022, UKAD charged Mr Oakley with the commission of two ADRVs for the Presence and the Use of a Prohibited Substance. Mr Oakley responded to the Charge on 14 November admitting both ADRVs, explaining that he had taken what he believed to be ostarine in tablet form, to aid recovery from a shoulder injury. 

In accordance with ADR Article 10.8.1, Mr Oakley was able to reduce the four-year asserted period of Ineligibility to three years after admitting the violations and accepting the period of Ineligibility within 20 days of the Charge Letter.  

UKAD issued Mr Oakley with a three-year ban, which is deemed to have commenced on 6 September 2022 and will expire at midnight on 5 September 2025.  

Speaking on the case, Jane Rumble, UKAD Chief Executive said: “Abusing prohibited substances to aid recovery from injury is a clear violation of the UK Anti-Doping Rules. Strict Liability means that the athlete is responsible for what goes in their body. There are serious and wide-ranging consequences for the athlete when they do not comply with the rules, and this will impact their career.” 

The Rugby Football League added: “We support UKAD in their determination to ensure that sport is clean, and therefore in their testing programme for recreational as well as performance-enhancing drugs. We continue to prioritise education of players at all levels, working with our charity partners RL Cares, regarding the harmful side-effects of drugs, as well as the potential impact of a positive test.” 

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