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The ITA imposes a 3-year sanction on athlete Collin Chartier

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The ITA, on behalf of IRONMAN, hereby reports that U.S. athlete Collin Chartier has committed an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) under article 2.1 of the IRONMAN Anti-Doping Rules (IRONMAN ADR) for the presence of erythropoietin (EPO) in a sample collected out-of-competition by IRONMAN on 10 February 2023.

The sample collected from Collin Chartier returned an adverse analytical finding for the non-specified prohibited substance EPO. EPO is prohibited under the 2023 World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List as peptide hormone (S2). EPO stimulates erythropoiesis (red blood cell production) and can modify the body’s capacity to transport oxygen and, therefore, increase stamina and performance.

Collin Chartier did not challenge the ADRV and agreed with the consequences proposed by the ITA. Due to his early admission, the athlete is entitled to a one-year reduction in the otherwise four-year period of ineligibility usually imposed for an ADRV for the presence of EPO as set forth in article 10.8.1 of the IRONMAN ADR*.  Accordingly, this case was resolved via an acceptance of consequences pursuant to article 8.3.1 of the IRONMAN ADR. The athlete’s period of ineligibility across all sports runs until 26 March 2026 and any competition results obtained by Mr. Chartier after the positive test of 10 February 2023 are disqualified.

The prosecution of the matter was handled independently by the ITA on behalf of IRONMAN. As a private corporation conducting triathlon events, IRONMAN is the first private, non federation sports company to formally adhere to the World Anti-Doping Code.

* Article 10.8.1 of the IRONMAN ADR (and World Anti-Doping Code) provides for a  “One-Year Reduction for Certain Anti-Doping Rule Violations Based on Early Admission and Acceptance of Sanction”:   Where an Athlete or other Person, after being notified by IRONMAN of a potential anti-doping rule violation that carries an asserted period of Ineligibility of four (4) or more years (including any period of Ineligibility asserted under Article 10.4), admits the violation and accepts the asserted period of Ineligibility no later than twenty (20) days after receiving notice of an anti-doping rule violation charge, the Athlete or other Person may receive a one-year reduction in the period of Ineligibility asserted by IRONMAN. Where the Athlete or other Person receives the one-year reduction in the asserted period of Ineligibility under this Article 10.8.1, no further reduction in the asserted period of Ineligibility shall be allowed under any other Article.


We reiterate the importance of cooperation between athletes and anti-doping organisations and remind all triathletes that they can use the ITA’s REVEAL platform to anonymously report their knowledge or suspicion of doping in sport.

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