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The lifecycle of an international athlete: Part 9 – Key tips on renovating or building a home

The lifecycle of an international athlete: Part 9 – Key tips on renovating or building a home
Monday, 30 October 2017 Author: Richard Cooke


In the ninth in our series of blogs for overseas athletes and their advisers, construction specialist Richard Cooke explains how to avoid many of the common pitfalls when carrying out renovations to an existing property or when building a brand new home.

Specifically, we examine:

  • The reality of construction projects

  • Where to start when carrying out a major renovation or undertaking a new building project

  • How to appoint a construction professional

  • Considering what you want the project to deliver

  • How to appoint a builder

  • Managing your expectations – anticipating that things may go wrong


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Richard Cooke

Richard Cooke

Penningtons Manches partner Richard specialises in construction and engineering law and leads the firm’s construction and infrastructure team.

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