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FIFA’s Solidarity Mechanism And Problems Arising On Exchange Of Players (The Ante Rebic Case)

FIFA’s Solidarity Mechanism And Problems Arising On Exchange Of Players (The Ante Rebic Case)
Tuesday, 16 February 2021 Author: Xavi Fernández

The solidarity mechanism, along with training compensation, is one of the basic pillars of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP), providing clubs with the right to receive a certain amount of money when a player they have trained is transferred during the term of his contract[1].

FIFA’s Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) has ruled that the purpose of the solidarity contribution is “to foster the training and education of young players by awarding a contribution to the club(s) that had trained the player during the beginning of his career throughout his entire sporting activity[2].

Annexe 5 RSTP regulates the functioning of the solidarity mechanism.  For the purpose of this article, it is important to note the following requirements for the accrual of the solidarity contribution in favour of the player’s former club(s):

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Written by

Xavi Fernández

Xavi Fernández

Xavi is a sports lawyer at Himnus - Football Lawyers. He advises clubs, agents, and sportspersons on matters including transfer and contracting of players, dispute resolution before national and international bodies (FIFA and CAS), sponsorship and image rights, and disciplinary proceedings.
Academic information:
- Degree in Law by the University of Girona
- Master's for Access to the Legal Profession, ISDE Barcelona
- Master's in Sports Management & Legal Skills with FC Barcelona, ISDE Barcelona
Languages spoken:Catalan, Spanish and English

Comments (1)

  • ali malihzadeh

    • 08 March 2021 at 10:02
    • #

    Dear Xavi,

    I found it interesting and as you mentioned correctly this decision would lead to circumvention easily.


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