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How will AI and new technology help sport, on and off the pitch: Key Takeaways

How will AI and new technology help sport, on and off the pitch: Key Takeaways
Wednesday, 20 March 2024 Author: Charlie Kendrick

This article is a part of a series of articles where the author recaps the discussion at LawInSport’s Global Summit. It examines the discourse in the third panel titled ‘How will AI and new technology help sport, on and off the pitch’.

To view a recording of the session, please click here.

The Panel

  • Steven Flynn - Barrister, 2 Temple Gardens
  • Damian Smith - Chief Technology Officer, Podium Analytics
  • Laura Jeffords Greenberg - AI and Legal Tech Consultant, formerly in-house at Unity, Red Bull, and the NFL
  • Leo Davidson - Barrister, 11KBW

The discourse began by outlining the patterns of artificial intelligence (“AI”), an invention causing quite the stir in the past year. Steven Flynn highlighted AI sets out to utilise data and science to merely problem solve and is not intending to take over human endeavours. AI’s potential impact is boundless, and at this point rather unknown, but undoubtedly it will strongly impact the world of sport in the coming years. A variety of technological innovations deploying AI were discussed, with interesting and wide-reaching impacts on sport.


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Written by

Charlie Kendrick

Charlie Kendrick

Charlie is a Paralegal in the Regulatory Legal team at The Football Association. Prior to this, he read Law at the University of Durham, graduating in 2019 with a 2:1, and completed the Legal Practice Course at the University of Law

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