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Sport, equality & discrimination – the year in review 2020/21

Title image: Still image of cheerleader from A Woman's Work: The NFL's Cheerleader Problem (2021) documentary
Thursday, 13 May 2021 Author: Lydia Banerjee

It never ceases to amaze me when I come to write this piece just how many issues roll on from year to year.  I hope that in years to come I will look back to an edition from 10 years previously and say with satisfaction that things are solved in this regard or improved in that respect.  The pace of change can feel frustratingly slow.

Last year was dominated by Covid-19 and the ground swell of support from the Black Lives Matter movement for tackling racism in all sectors of society including sport.  In this year’s review I propose to consider the progress made on the issues highlighted last year[1] and also to look at the new issues emerging. In particular I will:

  • consider gender equality issues;
  • explore where we are with issues of race in sport; and
  • highlight some issues around disability discrimination.

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Written by

Lydia Banerjee

Lydia Banerjee

Lydia Banerjee co-leaders the Littleton Sports law group.  Lydia regularly acts as counsel and/or as arbitrator in various sports; particularly by reference to her expertise in safeguarding, athlete welfare and equalities law issues.  She frequently appears as a panellist and speaker at domestic and international sporting conferences, is on the LawInSport Editorial Board and on the Sports Resolutions panel of arbitrators.

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