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Sport, safety and participation – the year in review 2019/20

Team huddle
Tuesday, 26 May 2020 Author: Prof Mark James

The past year has once again seen some important clarifications in the law of negligence and nuisance and the ways that they apply to sport. In particular, developments in the general law of tort will have significant impact on the way that sports litigation will be run. The continuing development of the law relating to vicarious liability and its application to historic sexual abuse cases has begun to take shape and will influence forthcoming cases in the years to come. 

This article examines the key UK case law and trend developments affecting sports safety and participation over the past twelve months, together with the themes to watch going forwards. Specifically, it looks at:

  • Developments in the law applying to sports participants
  • Developments in the law applying to sports spectators
  • Developments in the law applying to historic sexual abuse cases
  • Clarification of the doctrine of vicarious liability
  • Developments in the law of private nuisance
  • Developments overseas
  • Looking to the future

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Written by

Dr Mark James

Prof Mark James

Professor Mark James re-joined Manchester Law School in January 2016. He began his academic career at Anglia Polytechnic University on a research scholarship, examining the scope of the consent given by participants in contact sports to injury-causing challenges. His first appointment at Manchester Metropolitan University was in 1997 to lecture in criminal law and sports law and to develop its innovative MA (Sport and the Law).

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