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Sports Law from an athlete’s perspective: Key Takeaways

Rowing Team
Wednesday, 14 February 2024 Author: Charlie Kendrick

This article is a part of a series of articles where the author recaps the discussion at LawInSport’s Global Summit. It examines the discourse in the third panel titled ‘Athlete Forum - Sports Law from an athlete’s/player’s perspective’.

The esteemed group of panellists detailed their fascinating explorations from the world of professional sport into their various endeavours in sports law. A plethora of issues were discussed by these athletes who have encountered different sporting journeys, and it was thought-provoking to hear how the law could be shaped by competitors of the game.

This article discusses each of the panellists’ transition into the world of law from being a professional athlete.

To view a recording of the panel session, please click here.

The Panel

  • Ben Purkiss - Lawyer, Clifford Chance, Former Professional Footballer and Former Chairman of The Professional Footballers Association
  • Hubert Radke - Lawyer at Radke Sports Law, Basketball Players’ Agent, Former Professional Basketball Player 
  • Evan Whitfield - VP of Equity, Alumni Relations, and Engagement, Chicago Fire FC, and former Professional Footballer
  • Sophie Hosking - Head of Legal, Cazoo, former lawyer at The FA and Freshfields, and member of Olympic GB Rowing Team
  • William Bowyer - Associate, Lawrence Stephens (moderator)

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Written by

Charlie Kendrick

Charlie Kendrick

Charlie is a Paralegal in the Regulatory Legal team at The Football Association. Prior to this, he read Law at the University of Durham, graduating in 2019 with a 2:1, and completed the Legal Practice Course at the University of Law

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