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Where are we now? One year on from the third International Forum for Sports Integrity

Where are we now? One year on from the third International Forum for Sports Integrity
Friday, 27 November 2020 Author: Alex Griffiths, Daniel McDonagh, Danielle Sharkey

In October 2019 delegates from over one hundred stakeholders in sport gathered in Lausanne for the third International Forum for Sports Integrity[i] (the Forum). The first Forum was the launchpad for the International Partnership against Corruption in Sport[ii] (IPACS) and is both a product of and committed to furthering the Olympic Agenda 2020 reforms[iii].

The Forum, as IOC President Thomas Bach put it in his opening speech, ‘shares a common goal to protect competitions from manipulations and from related corruption,’ both as a key player in the Olympic movement and as a standard bearer for global sport more broadly. Recognition by the IOC, the Forum’s host, is often seen as a hallmark of truly authoritative sports governance, and the Forum hopes to use this influence to encourage wide international and cross-sport cooperation in protecting competitive integrity.

A number of delegates spoke about recent developments and successes, personal experiences and visions for the future.  But, as with any summit of influential actors on the global stage, the key question is: what can we tangibly take away from the event? In the case of last year’s Forum, there are three key developments to consider:

  • Launch of the new Guide on Reporting Mechanisms in Sport
  • Promotion of the ‘Believe in Sport' campaign
  • Improving the use and sharing of information

This article examines each in turn before looking at where things stand one year on.

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Written by

Alex Griffiths

Alex Griffiths

Alex is an associate within the commercial team focussing on the sports and retail sectors.

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Daniel McDonagh

Daniel McDonagh

Daniel is a trainee at Charles Russell Speechlys based in London.

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Danielle Sharkey

Danielle Sharkey

Danielle is an Associate in the Sports Team at Charles Russell Speechlys LLP. Previously she spent eight years as legal advisor to the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) where her focus was on regulatory, governance, data protection and disciplinary matters. Danielle prosecuted a number of British horseracing’s high profile corruption and doping cases during her time with the BHA.

Comments (1)

  • Sejane Sempe

    • 30 November 2020 at 08:34
    • #

    The article is worth reading and provides guidance on how to deal with manipulation in sport. Inter sport cooperation will provide consistency in approaching manipulation in various sporting codes.


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