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Jack Mitchell

Jack Mitchell

Jack Mitchell called to the Bar in 1994, is a Barrister at Old Square Chambers. OSC has a reputation for success in football and rugby litigation issues, and is a popular choice for claimants and defendants in all sports including athletics, boxing, motor racing, horse racing and cycling.  OSC advise players, coaches, agents, physiotherapists and team healthcare professionals on all employment and contractual matters. More information can be found at .


As for Jack, Chambers and Partners, London states: “A name synonymous in the market with high-profile whistle-blowing claims, and someone who has a well established reputation for High Court advocacy ... His meticulous preparation is highlighted as a major strength." Strengths: "He works very hard for his clients…." "A very thorough barrister who shows great attention to detail."

020 7269 0300 

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