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The International Council of Arbitration for Sport (ICAS) composition for the term 2023-2026

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Lausanne – On the occasion of the 58th Meeting of the International Council of Arbitration for Sport (ICAS) held earlier today at the CAS headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, Ms Nicola Spirig (Switzerland) was elected as an independently-appointed member of ICAS to replace former member Judge Monique Jametti (Switzerland). Ms Spirig is a jurist and former professional triathlete: 2012 Olympic champion, 2016 Olympic Silver medallist and seven times European champion in women's triathlon. The ICAS is composed of 22 members since the end of 2022 (previously 20 members), all of whom are jurists, and includes five Olympians.

The ICAS members elected for the 2023-2026 term (listed on the last page of this release) also voted unanimously to elect the following members to the following positions for the 2023-2026 term:

President: Mr John Coates AC

Mr John Coates (Australia) was re-elected, unopposed, to the position of ICAS/Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) President. Mr Coates has been a member of ICAS since its creation in 1994 and has held the position of President since 2010 when he became the third ICAS President, succeeding Judge Kéba Mbaye (Senegal, 1994- 2007), founder and first President of ICAS, and Mr Mino Auletta (Italy, 2007-2010). Mr Coates is appointed by the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) and is a Vice President, International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Vice-Presidents: Mr Michael Lenard, Dr Elisabeth Steiner, Mr Antonio Arimany

At the ICAS meeting of 2 December 2022, the ICAS members voted to amend Article S6.2 of the Code of Sportsrelated Arbitration so that for the 2023-2026 cycle onwards, ICAS will be composed of three, rather than two, Vice-Presidents. Mr Michael Lenard OLY (United States), 1984 Olympic handball player, appointed to ICAS with a view to safeguarding the interests of the athletes, and Dr Elisabeth Steiner (Austria), a former judge of the European Court of Human Rights, appointed to ICAS by the IOC, were re-elected Vice-Presidents. Mr Antonio Arimany, (Spain), Secretary General of World Triathlon, was elected for the first time to the third Vice-President position. Mr Arimany was appointed to ICAS by the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF).

Appeal Division: Ms Corinne Schmidhauser (President), Dr Elisabeth Steiner (Deputy President)

Ms Corinne Schmidhauser OLY (Switzerland) was re-elected to the position of President of the CAS Appeals Arbitration Division. Ms Schmidhauser is an Olympian in alpine skiing (1988) and winner of the 1987 World Cup in slalom. She was appointed to ICAS by the Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federations (AIOWF). Dr Elisabeth Steiner (Austria) was re-elected Deputy President of the Appeals Division.

Ordinary Division: Ms Carole Malinvaud (President), Prof. Giulio Napolitano (Deputy President)

Ms Carole Malinvaud (France) was re-elected to the position of President of the CAS Ordinary Arbitration Division. Ms Malinvaud is an international and commercial arbitration specialist and was appointed to ICAS as an independent. Prof. Giulio Napolitano (Italy) was re-elected to the role of Deputy President of the Ordinary Division. Prof. Napolitano is a professor of Administrative Law and Comparative Administrative Law at the Roma Tre University and appointed by ANOC. For further information related to the CAS activity and procedures in general, please contact either Matthieu Reeb, CAS Director General, or Katy Hogg, Communications Officer. Palais de Beaulieu, avenue Bergières 10, 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Anti-Doping Division: Mr Ivo Eusebio (President), Mr David W. Rivkin (Deputy President)

Mr Ivo Eusebio (Switzerland) was re-elected to the position of President of the CAS Anti-Doping Division. Mr Eusebio is a former judge of the Swiss Federal Tribunal and was appointed to ICAS as an independent. Mr David W. Rivkin (USA) was re-elected as Deputy President of the Anti-Doping Division. Mr Rivkin is a specialist in international dispute resolution, past President of the International Bar Association (IBA), a former CAS arbitrator and appointed to ICAS by ANOC.

ICAS Board

Pursuant to Article S7 of the CAS Statutes, the ICAS Board is now composed of the President, three VicePresidents, the President of the Ordinary Arbitration Division and the President of the Appeals Arbitration Division. This means that for the 2023-2026 cycle it will be composed of:

President: John Coates, Michael Lenard, Elisabeth Steiner, Antonio Arimany, Corinne Schmidhauser, Carole Malinvaud.

Furthermore, the composition of the ICAS commissions was also decided during the same meeting:

Challenge Commission

Purpose: Determines petitions for challenge raised against CAS arbitrators. Chair: Justice Ellen Gracie Northfleet, former President of the Supreme Court in Brazil. Composed of the three Division Presidents and the three Deputy Presidents (excluding the President and Deputy of the Division concerned by the specific procedure for challenge). Membership Commission Purpose: Reviews the lists of CAS arbitrators and mediators as well as the candidatures of potential new CAS members. Chair: Ivo Eusebio was elected as Chair (replacing former ICAS member Judge Monique Jametti) Composed of Ms Tricia Smith OLY (Canada), four times Olympian in rowing, including 1984 Olympic Silver medallist, IOC Member, President Canadian NOC, Vice President World Rowing, and the three Division Presidents.

Athletes’ Commission (formerly Legal Aid Commission)

Purpose: Determines requests for legal aid and safeguards the interests of athletes within ICAS. Chair: Michael Lenard OLY Composed of: Mr Louis Everard (Netherlands), Director of the Dutch Association of Professional Football Players, Board Member of FIFPro; Ms Silja Kanerva OLY (Finland), Legal Counsel Neste, 2012 Olympic Bronze medallist in sailing; and Ms Tricia Smith.

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Mr John COATES AC (Australia) ICAS President

IOC Vice President Prof. Abdullah AL HAYYAN (Kuwait)

Professor of law Prof. Giulio NAPOLITANO (Italy)

Professor of law at Roma Tre University Mr David W. RIVKIN (USA)

International arbitrator, former President of the International Bar Association


Mr Antonio ARIMANY (Spain)

Secretary General, World Triathlon

Dr Emilio GARCIA SILVERO (Spain)

Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)

Mr Dariusz MIODUSKI (Poland)

Vice Chairman, European Clubs Association

Mr Kevin PLUMB (UK)

General Counsel, Premier League

Mr Mikael RENTSCH (Switzerland/Sweden)

Legal Director, Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI)


Ms Corinne SCHMIDHAUSER OLY (Switzerland)

1988 Olympian, Director of Feusi Sportsschool, Winner of the slalom World Cup 1987


Judge Yvonne MOKGORO (South Africa)

Former judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa

Dr Elisabeth STEINER (Austria)

Attorney at law, former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights

Judge XUE Hanqin (P.R. China)

Judge at the International Court of Justice

Fourth Position


Athletes’ representatives

Mr Louis EVERARD (Netherlands)

Director of the Dutch Association of Professional Football Players, Board Member of FIFPro

Ms Silja KANERVA OLY (Finland)

Legal Counsel Neste, 2012 Olympic bronze medalist in sailing


Member US Olympic handball team at the OG Los Angeles 1984

Ms Tricia SMITH OLY (Canada)

President Canadian Olympic Committee, IOC Member, Vice President World Rowing; 4 time Olympian (rowing); 1984 Olympic silver medallist

Independently appointed members

Mr Ivo EUSEBIO (Switzerland)

Former judge of the Swiss Federal Tribunal

Ms Carole MALINVAUD (France)

Partner at Gide Paris, specialised in international arbitration

Ms Ellen NORTHFLEET (Brazil)

International arbitrator, Former chief justice of the Supreme Court of Brazil

Ms Nicola SPIRIG (Switzerland)

Former professional triathlete: 2012 Olympic champion, 2016 Olympic silver medallist and seven times European champion

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