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The bans of Abdullaziz Al Eid & Abdullah Waleed reduced to two months by the Court of Arbitration for Sport

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has rendered its decisionsion in the appeals filed by the riders Khaled Abdullaziz Al Eid and Abdullah Waleed Sharbatly (Saudi Arabia) against the decision of the Tribunal of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI).

On 23 May 2012 the FEI Tribunal found that the riders had violated the FEI Equine Controlled Medication Rules and suspended them for a period of eight months. On 24 May 2012, the riders filed appeals at the CAS against such decision. At the request of the riders and with the consent of the FEI, the two appeals were referred to the same sole arbitrator (Mr Graeme Mew, Canada) and were conducted together on an expedited basis. A hearing was held in London on 7 June 2012.

The Sole Arbitrator has today issued his decision by which he partially upholds the appeals and, considering that the infraction was of minor importance, reduces the periods of ineligibility to months, which have been already served by the athletes.

The full award with the grounds will be notified to the parties in a few weeks.

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