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Aahna Mehrotra, Founder & Principal Lawyer at AM Sports Law & Management Co - E103

Aahna Mehrotra, Founder & Principal Lawyer at AM Sports Law & Management Co - E103
Thursday, 25 March 2021

Aahna Mehrotra is the founder and principal lawyer at AM Sports Law & Management Co. She serves as the Chairperson on the National Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel and is a member of the Arbitrational Tribunal constituted by Football Delhi. Aahna played cricket for the India Under-19 women’s team and several other sports at the state level. 

Aahna is also a member of the LawInSport Editorial Board.


In this podcast Aahna shares her journey into sports law and overcoming prejudices as an India women working in sports and talks about her favourite matters and cases.

Aahna speaks to LawInSport’s CEO, Sean Cottrell.

  1. 03:12 - How did she get into law & sports law

  2. 07:05 - Getting into the sports law market in India

  3. 22:40 - What was it like being an Indian women working in the international and domestic sports law market

  4. 24:40 - The advantages and disadvantages of working in a developing sports law country

  5. 29:20 - What advice would she give to aspiring sports lawyers

  6. 37:57 - The significant cases she has been involved in

  7. 43:02 - What key developments in the sports law market is she currently watching

  8. 49:45 - How does she stay on top of the latest developments in sports law

 We thoroughly enjoyed the interview and took a lot away from it. We hope you do the same. 

The host is Sean Cottrell (@spcott), founder and CEO of LawInSport. 

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