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Sarah Solémalé, Senior Governance Services Manager at FIFA

Sarah Solémalé, Senior Governance Services Manager at FIFA
Friday, 27 November 2020


Sarah Solémalé is the Senior Governance Service Manager at FIFA. Sarah speaks to LawInSport’s founder and CEO, Sean Cottrell, about:

  • transitioning from art to law;
  • interviewing and securing a legal role at FIFA;
  • the differences between the roles and responsibilities of a lawyer in the legal and governance departments at FIFA;
  • the importance "soft skills" and diplomacy;
  • the future of sports in Africa and embracing the power of sport;
  • advice on help developing sports in underdeveloped sports markets;
  • how lawyers can better engage with governments and civil servants;
  • the area of law outside of governance that interest Sarah the most; 
  • how do you decipher what is important information to focus on and the value of peer-to-peer learning; and,
  • the importance of good mental health, particularly during the pandemic.

We thoroughly enjoyed the interview and took a lot away from it. We hope you do the same. 

The host is Sean Cottrell (@spcott), founder and CEO of LawInSport.


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