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Sport Integrity Australia is among almost 30 major Australian sporting organisations that helped Australia’s online safety regulator to develop new resources to stem the tide of online abuse.

Launched today by the eSafety Commissioner, eSafety Sport is an online one-stop-shop for administrators, coaches, officials, parents and competitors to learn ways to prevent and manage online abuse in community sport.

There is no place for abuse in sport and that includes online abuse,” Sport Integrity Australia’s Acting CEO Luke McCann said. “We all have a role in calling out poor behaviour but to do so we must understand the risks and educate ourselves in how we can secure a positive and inclusive future in Australian sport.”     

eSafety Sport includes practical information on how to recognise online abusehow to deal with online abuseeight ways to stay safe online and promotional resources for clubs to download and show their support. It also includes tailored advice for different scenarios.

Whether you’re a participant, volunteer, parent or fan, the eSafety Sport resources are invaluable. They include online safety tips and resources to help us all to #PlayItFairOnline.”

eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant said she hopes eSafety Sport will change online conversations for the better.

Our challenge is to help people understand that being abusive or offensive towards the opposition, the referee or the coach doesn't help the sport you love,” Ms Inman Grant said.

On the receiving end of every piece of online vitriol is a person: someone’s child, mum, neighbour, friend, uncle or sister. Let's recognise that online abuse is taking an emotional and mental toll on the very people who make sport happen.”

eSafety Sport is a collaboration between eSafety, Sport Integrity Australia the signatories to the Online Safety Statement of CommitmentPlay by the RulesAthletics AustraliaOffice of Sport NSW and SportWest.

Visit to access the community sport resources and online safety advice.

Joint Statement: A National Inquiry into Abuse in Sport must be Top Priority for the Government of Canada to Protect Canadian Children and Athletes

For over 18 months, Canadian athletes, advocates, scholars, and allies have been calling for the Government of Canada to initiate a national inquiry into the toxic culture of abuse that, as we have sadly come to learn, exists across all levels of Canadian sport.

It was the thousands of athlete voices that began this call but as evidence has mounted during the months of hearings before the Canadian Heritage Committee and the Standing Committee on the Status of Women, the call for an inquiry has been joined by the Canadian Olympic Committee, Own the Podium, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Canadian Women and Sport, the Coaching Association of Canada, Scholars Against Abuse in Canadian Sport, and high profile USA advocates Judge Rosemarie Aquilina and Rachael Denhollander.

With Parliament resuming this month and the appointment of a new Sports Minister in the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, we reinforce that a national inquiry must be a priority to protect Canadian children and athletes. The calls for this inquiry will not diminish. The need will only continue to grow and without a robust solution, the problems will continue to fester.

We cannot waste any more time. We must act to end child abuse and human rights violations occurring in Canadian sport. A national inquiry must happen without further delay. 

Click here or see below to watch the video for those advocating for an inquiry.

No Excuse For Sideline Abuse

No Excuse For Sideline Abuse

Whether you’re involved in sport at the elite level or watching a team of enthusiastic five-year-olds bouncing, passing or kicking a ball in the grassroots environment, it’s possible you might have seen poor sideline behaviour in sport at some stage.

Although the vast majority of spectators cheer and support their kids and teams with joy and passion, there are growing instances where verbal and online abuse is directed at players, referees, coaches, support staff, other spectators and even volunteers.

It has an impact not only on the mental health of individuals but on the people around them and is being seen as a continuing threat to the integrity of sport in Australia and overseas.

In September 2022, we published a story in Sport Integrity Matters magazine about “The Ugly Side of Sport” after speaking to a referee, coach, club volunteer, player and journalist to get their perspectives on the toll sideline abuse is taking.

Reflecting on his own career Ben Williams, a retired A-League, Asian Football Confederation and FIFA World Cup referee, said: “Unfortunately many young referees don’t get to experience these phenomenal moments because they’ve left their career early due to abuse.”

In my career I encountered death threats directed at my wife and my children, which meant they no longer felt safe in their own home. There is definitely no place for this in sport.”

A community sports club president, Neil Harlock, cited a scourge of abuse in his sport which not only impacted the mental health of players but flowed through to club volunteers, the referee base and spectators.

To hear threats and slurs from the crowd firstly renders as disbelief among the team, clear shock and emotion can be seen, which then affects performances,” he said about the abuse directed at his National Premier League first grade men’s team.

It then manifests as insecurity as this is essentially their workplace for the time they are on and around the field.

At the grassroots and amateur level in a very large club essentially run by volunteers, we often feel limited in what we can do from a safety and security point of view. There’s the feeling that there’s a potential and very real danger.”

Discussions between sporting organisations, clubs and government suggest that some sports are becoming increasingly competitive from a younger age with high emotion attached from the spectator base, thus leading to undue pressure being placed on kids which flows through to coaches and officials. 

Let Kids Be Kids is a national campaign created by Play by the Rules to help clubs at grassroots level bring policies to life and actively address poor sideline behaviour via posters, toolkits and campaign messaging.

Elaine Heaney, National Manager of Play By The Rules, would much rather kids turn up to practice and had fun playing with their friends than forced into a situation where they are being yelled at or berated for not winning a game or making a call whilst they are still learning the rules and developing their skills. 

Adult sideline spectators often mean well and are enthusiastic about their contributions, because they enjoy being part of the process,” said Elaine, “but sometimes it’s important to stop to think about the impact of their words on the child or young person – and how it feels for a small human to have a large adult raise their voice at them.

If the child or young person (or even another adult) feels berated or upset by what has been said, is it worth it?  It’s not about removing winning or healthy competition from sport but about focusing on the fact that happy, healthy athletes operating in a safe space, often produce much better results, and keep people playing the sports we love.”

From grassroots to elite sport, the problem often grows as the stakes get higher.

Jenna O’Hea, former Australian Opals captain, feels the popularity of betting has added another layer of abuse of athletes with people losing money often blaming the athletes for their financial loss.

This is where I see it is getting worse and is taking the biggest toll on athletes,” she said.

As athletes we know that fans are passionate about sport but crossing the line with personal attacks, racism, any type of attack is never OK and just because you’re behind a keyboard, that doesn’t make it any less abusive than a face-to-face attack.”

Each situation and experience with poor sideline behaviour and online abuse in sport is different, with some impacts short-term and others everlasting. Regardless of the magnitude and severity there’s no place for sideline abuse in sport at any level.

In summing up his experiences, community club president Neil Harlock said, “My seven-year-old daughter came to me recently and said ‘Dad, were there any fights at the footy today?’ I was mortified!

Our children deserve more than this. Our players, volunteers, young referees, coaches and the families who come to cheer on their teams, all deserve more than this.”

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