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Joint Statement: A National Inquiry into Abuse in Sport must be Top Priority for the Government of Canada to Protect Canadian Children and Athletes

For over 18 months, Canadian athletes, advocates, scholars, and allies have been calling for the Government of Canada to initiate a national inquiry into the toxic culture of abuse that, as we have sadly come to learn, exists across all levels of Canadian sport.

It was the thousands of athlete voices that began this call but as evidence has mounted during the months of hearings before the Canadian Heritage Committee and the Standing Committee on the Status of Women, the call for an inquiry has been joined by the Canadian Olympic Committee, Own the Podium, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Canadian Women and Sport, the Coaching Association of Canada, Scholars Against Abuse in Canadian Sport, and high profile USA advocates Judge Rosemarie Aquilina and Rachael Denhollander.

With Parliament resuming this month and the appointment of a new Sports Minister in the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, we reinforce that a national inquiry must be a priority to protect Canadian children and athletes. The calls for this inquiry will not diminish. The need will only continue to grow and without a robust solution, the problems will continue to fester.

We cannot waste any more time. We must act to end child abuse and human rights violations occurring in Canadian sport. A national inquiry must happen without further delay. 

Click here or see below to watch the video for those advocating for an inquiry.

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