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An analysis of the UAE’s new sports law: the impact on event organisers, fans and corruption

Group of people waving UAE flag
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

In late 2015, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, issued Cabinet Resolution No. (31) of 20151 (the “Resolution”) the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No (8) of 20142 which provides guidance around the scope of new legal obligations affecting those involved in the organisation and hosting of sports events.

This blog explains the background and objectives of the new Resolution, before examining the principal areas that it targets: sports facility organisers, fan conduct and tackling corruption. These guidelines are welcome at a time when the UAE has firmly established its credentials as a host for events across a broad spectrum of sports and looks to build on its strong record as a destination for sports and events tourism.


Background and purpose

The rapid growth of the UAE sports sector in the past decade has brought many opportunities and as more industry players have entered the sector and the scope of events has increased and diversified, the market is adapting to continue growth in a measured and sustainable manner. The Law was enacted in October of 2014 but the potential impact on the sports sector has now taken shape with Cabinet Resolution No (31), which effectively sets forth the implementing regulations.

The Resolution is now the primary vehicle through which the Ministry of Interior will oversee elements of safety and security at sports events in the UAE, leveraging the police, civil defence and other relevant authorities as necessary.

Make no mistake, this is a cornerstone law for the local sports industry, so it is critical that people and companies operating within it – including event organisers, authorised private security firms, sporting regulatory bodies, fans, teams and other participants – fully understand their obligations to avoid falling foul of the law, which at its most punitive can carry serious criminal charges.

While the headline-grabbing element of the law relates to unruly fan behaviour,3 it actually has a wide-ranging impact, affecting the planning, coordination and safety behind event organisation, through to on-pitch, court or track conduct, as well as in the stands.

Clearly, we have not yet had much time to see the new law in action, so there remains some guesswork around how the rules will actually be enforced. However, knowing what those rules actually are – and ensuring you operate within them – is the best way to be confident of your legal position should an incident arise.

So, what are the critical details behind the new rules? Despite the breadth of the law, its various touchpoints can loosely be grouped under three target areas in terms of application: addressing safety and security at sporting events through:

  1. Facility/Venue and Organiser practices,4
  2. Fan Conduct;5 and
  3. Anti-Corruption.6


Sports Facilities & Organisers7

The bulk of the law relates to this area, with organisers and venue managers subject to specific new compliance requirements and oversight, aimed at ensuring the UAE is aligned with or setting global best practice.

Most notably, all sporting events should have a flexible administrative and organisational guide,8 including necessary measures relevant to the nature and scope of the event (e.g., detailing proposed access/egress routes, safety procedures, security plans, communications, etc.), as well as specifics on the venue. This guide is subject to approval by a designated police contact.

For a number of sophisticated event organisers (for example, prominent golf tour events, the Dubai Rugby 7's and the Abu Dhabi Formula 1 Grand Prix) designing, submitting, and ultimately implementing their event management plans, in accordance with their approved guide, will essentially cement and perhaps reformulate some elements of best practices they have previously established. This could mean substantial change for some. However, they will also need to take additional steps to comply with specific protocols under the new law.

These requirements are welcome, such as the need for a designated and qualified Event Security Officer to coordinate with a Police Observer. And the use of the latest technology in communications and crowd management, effectively mandating a blend common sense with modern capabilities, to increase safety and security as appropriate for modern day sporting entertainment.

Facilities, venues and event organisers can be subject to fines of up to AED 500,000 for non-compliance with these rules.9

Fan Conduct10

Sports fans face tougher fines for criminal actions conducted at events or venues. The law does not replace the existing Penal Code11 in such circumstances but it does complement it. This means that committing any Penal Code offence at a sporting event will now be considered an aggravating factor, so would be likely to attract greater punishment than if it had been committed elsewhere.12

There will also now be formalised crowd restrictions on entering the field of play, bringing prohibited or dangerous materials into a venue, taking to or acquiring weapons inside a venue, violent conduct, throwing materials, insulting or racially abusing or gesturing other people, disregarding facility rules, and using a venue for political purposes.

There are numerous other restrictions but generally speaking the changes bring the UAE legally into line with global best practice when it comes to the conduct of fans. Breaking the law can now have dramatic consequences. Depending on the severity of the crime, it can result in imprisonment of three months and fines up to AED 30,000.



Given what is unfolding in global sport at present – with the likes of FIFA, the IAAF and various other recognised international sporting bodies facing intense scrutiny around their actions – this aspect of the Resolution is not only timely but in some ways pioneering. In essence, it removes a significant chunk of self-regulation from sporting bodies and brings it under federal law.

Cheating, fraud or corruption in gaining rights to host a sporting event can now be punishable by a fine of up to AED 1 million, plus liability for certain costs and potential suspension of relevant activities for a minimum of two years.14 We should keep a keen eye on the interpretation and scope of enforcement of this particular provision, to see if its application could be used more broadly to address some the issues surrounding match-fixing and cheating that we know have plagued international sports in recent times.

With this in mind, UAE could be taking a welcome and a significantly pro-active position to protect the integrity of its sporting events. The law could provide a platform for broader tackling of corruption in sports to be specifically identified and punishable through a sports-specific statute, in addition to the measures within the UAE Penal Code already applicable to such conduct.



The full implementation and impact of these new rules is yet to be seen. But, they are potentially far reaching in their scope. However, they should be welcomed in terms of trying to ensure that the UAE, which already hosts some of the world’s most popular sporting events and may have aspirations to host the Olympics, remains at the forefront of the global sporting events sector.

Nonetheless, new rules need to be properly understood for companies and individuals to act within their boundaries. Getting this right will take time and significant effort but guarantee the law is a success in practice and not just on paper.

A version of this article first appeared in the GulfNews on 18 February 2016 that our copyright notice below is subject to.

Please note that the English translations of Federal Law No 8 of 2014, Cabinet Resolution No 31 of 2015 and Federal Law No 3 of 1987 (UAE Penal Code) have been provided by Thomson Reuters – Westlaw Middle East (TRWME). Neither TRWME nor its affiliates guarantee the accuracy of or endorse the views or opinions given by the author, any third party content provider, advertiser, sponsor or other user. Neither TRWME nor its affiliates shall be liable for any errors or inaccuracies in the translations or any content, or for any actions taken by any reader or user in reliance thereon. Readers and users expressly agree that their use of the translations and the content is on an “at your sole risk” basis.



  1. Cabinet Resolution No. (31) of 2015 on the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No. (8) of 2014 concerning the Security of Sports Facilities and Events
  2. Federal Law No. (8) of 2014 concerning Sports Facilities and Events Security
  3. Haneen Dajani, ‘UAE sports law against racism will see offenders fined up to Dh1m’,, 27 December 2015, last viewed 8 April 2016,
  4. Cabinet Resolution No. (31) of 2015 on the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No. (8) of 2014 concerning the Security of Sports Facilities and Events at Chapters 2 (Obligations of Sports Facilities and Organisers) and also at Chapters 3-8; Ibid 2 at Chapter 3
  5. Ibid 4 at Chapter 9 (Security of the Sports Audience), for range of penalties cross reference at Chapter 5 of the Law; Ibid 2 at Chapter 4
  6. Federal Law No. (8) of 2014 concerning Sports Facilities and Events Security at Chapter 5 Article 21
  7. Ibid 4
  8. Ibid 4 at Chapter 2, Article 5, to be reviewed and approved in conjunction with the designated police command.
  9. Federal Law No. (8) of 2014 concerning Sports Facilities and Events Security at Chapter 5 Article 20,
  10. Ibid 5
  11. Federal Law No (3) of 1987 (the UAE Penal Code)
  12. Ibid 2, at Article 22 of the Law; Ibid 3.
  13. Ibid 6
  14. Ibid 2 at Article 21

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