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Adjudicatory chamber of the independent Ethics Committee sanctions Manuel Nascimento


The adjudicatory chamber of the independent Ethics Committee has found Mr Manuel Nascimento, President of the Bissau-Guinean Football Association (FFGB), responsible for having breached his duty to protect the physical and mental integrity of others, in violation of the FIFA Code of Ethics.  

The investigation into Mr Nascimento concerned his involvement and participation in an incident of mob justice against a man in Guinea-Bissau.

In its decision, the adjudicatory chamber ruled that, based on information, including video material, gathered by the investigatory chamber, Mr Nascimento had breached his duty, as per the FIFA Code of Ethics, to protect the physical and mental integrity of the man who was the victim of the mobbing.

Consequently, the adjudicatory chamber found that Mr Nascimento had breached art. 23 (Protection of physical and mental integrity) of the FIFA Code of Ethics and sanctioned him with a ban from all football-related activity (administrative, sports or any other) at both national and international level for ten years. In addition, a fine in the amount of CHF 100,000 has been imposed on Mr Nascimento.

The terms of the decision were notified to Mr Nascimento today, the date on which the ban comes into force. According to art. 78 par. 2 of the FIFA Code of Ethics, the full motivated decision will be notified to Mr Nascimento in the next 60 days, and will subsequently be published on

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