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Amateur cyclist, Ian Edmonds, banned for four years

Amateur cyclist, Ian Edmonds, banned for four years

Press Release

27 October 2016 - UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) today confirmed that Ian Edmonds, a 41-year-old amateur cyclist, has been suspended from all sport for four years following an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.

On 10 April 2016, 20 capsules of testosterone and 100 tablets of nandrolone were seized by the UK Border Force. This parcel of anabolic steroids was addressed to Mr Edmonds, who was a member of Mapperley Cycling Club. Edmonds, from Nottingham, later refused to provide a sample during a subsequent out-of-competition test attempt on 1 May 2016.

During an interview with UKAD on 6 June 2016, Edmonds admitted to the "Attempted Use of a Prohibited Substance" and "Refusing to Submit to Sample Collection." As a result, a period of ineligibility of four years was imposed under Articles 2.2 and 2.3 respectively of the World Anti-Doping Code.

UKAD Director of Operations, Pat Myhill said: “The ordering of Prohibited Substances online by those subject to the anti-doping rules continues to be a major concern for UKAD. Whether they are obtained in an attempt to improve sporting performance or for aesthetic purposes, a significant threat is posed to both clean sport and public health. Ordering Prohibited Substances via the internet may result in a ban from all sport and, in some cases, constitute a criminal offence.

The Edmonds case is an excellent example of how we work alongside law enforcement partners to deter and detect doping in the UK by targeting the supply of illicit substances. I would encourage anyone who has information about the purchase or supply of performance and image enhancing drugs to contact us in confidence via 08000 322332 or via

Edmonds is banned from all sport from 1 August 2016 until midnight on 1 August 2020.

The full written decision can be found under current rule violations on the UKAD website.


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