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An injury report; the talks and count of controls that were carried out during the tournament that was held in Ecuador.


CONMEBOL, through its Medical Commission and Anti-Doping Unit, presented the CONMEBOL U17 - 2023 Medical and Anti-Doping Report, which was held between March 30 and April 23 of this year in the cities of Guayaquil and Quito de Ecuador.

The document summarizes the work carried out by both CONMEBOL medical departments, which highlights the reports of injuries suffered by athletes; the anti-doping talks carried out and a count of the anti-doping controls.

Regarding the blows suffered by the footballers, the Medical Commission has registered 16 injuries in the 35 games played.

In addition, it is important to highlight that the temperature has been monitored before and after the matches in order to protect the integrity of the athletes.

Injury Report

For its part, the Anti-Doping Unit confirmed the participation of 310 members of the teams in the Anti-Doping Educational Talks , between players and coaching staff of the ten teams participating in the tournament.

108 urine samples were collected throughout the competition, 55.5% of these were directed and 44.5% by lottery. In addition, 27 of the 35 parties had control during the tournament.

Final-report-CONMEBOL-Sub17-2023 Download

The medical team was made up of Dr. Luis Sevilla, as Medical Coordinator, Dr. Gianni Mazzocca, Dr. Marcos Korukian and Dr. Santiago Beretervide, as Medical Officers.

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