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Appeal Decision on Peter “casle” Ardenskjold

Appeal Decision on Peter “casle” Ardenskjold

The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and fair play in the esports industry. In line with this commitment, we wish to inform the public about a recent development concerning the appeal process of Peter “casle” Ardenskjold.

In 2020, Mr. Ardenskjold was sanctioned for his involvement with the exploitation of a coaching bug within CS:GO. Following a comprehensive review and subsequent appeal, we are announcing a modification to the initial sanctions imposed on Mr. Ardenskjold.

After careful consideration, the independent Appeal Chair has decided in favor of reducing Mr. Ardenskjold’s demerit points based on the appeal’s merits and the compelling evidence provided by him. This reduction has a direct impact on his eligibility, making him able to participate in the forthcoming PGL Major, as it also leads to a reduction in his Valve sanctioned Regional Major Rankings (RMR) exclusion period. This change has been communicated to and accepted by Valve.

Mr. Ardenskjold has expressed his gratitude towards ESIC and the independent Appeal Chair for their willingness to consider his appeal, submitted out of the typical timeframe, and for recognizing the significance of the new evidence he presented.

This decision reflects ESIC’s dedication to justice and the reevaluation of cases when presented with new, compelling evidence. It underscores our commitment to a fair and competitive environment for all esports participants.

We extend our best wishes to Mr. Ardenskjold and all participants in the upcoming PGL Major.

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