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Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 – The ITA notifies athlete Mohammad Khaibar Nooristani of an apparent Anti-Doping Rule Violation

Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 – The ITA notifies athlete Mohammad Khaibar Nooristani of an apparent Anti-Doping Rule Violation

The International Testing Agency (ITA), mandated by the Olympic Counsel of Asia (OCA) to independently handle areas of the anti-doping program at the Asian Games Hangzhou 2022, including results management, reports that a sample collected from boxing athlete Mohammad Khaibar Nooristani (Afghanistan) has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding¹ for the non-specified prohibited substances (i) 19-norandrosterone and (ii) Clostebol metabolite 4-chloro-3α-hydroxy-androst-4-en-17-one according to the Prohibited List of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

The sample was collected by the ITA at the Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 during an out-of-competition anti-doping control performed on 21 September 2023.

The athlete has been informed of the case and has been provisionally suspended with immediate effect. He has the right to request the analysis of the B-sample.

The matter will thereafter be referred to the Anti-Doping Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS ADD) for adjudication under the OCA Anti-Doping Rules.

Given that the case is underway, there will be no further comments during the ongoing proceeding.

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