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Basketball Fiji to launch Hoops For Health Online program


SUVA (Fiji) - Basketball Fiji (BF) will launch their Hoops For Health Online program on the heels of their highly successful Bula Hoops Online program to continue their adaptation to the current situation regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic.

BF Chief Operating Officer, Laisiasa Puamau shared that the decision to organize the program is in line with the government's policies regarding sporting activities in schools.

"Although the restrictions have been lifted, Basketball Fiji is still taking a moderate approach in our restart back into basketball to respect the government's policies," he said.

"School has been on break for two months and the Ministry of Education issued a statement that extracurricular activities are suspended indefinitely," he added.

The Hoops For Health Online program will start on July 20 and will run for seven weeks.

"We have already enough content for one week and will post videos every day for the next seven weeks of 20-30 minute videos on our Facebook page," Puamau stated.

Puamau shared that the objective of the program is to increase awareness for the sport in the youth sector and continue their advocacy for health messaging.

"We want to promote physical activities for kids, if they can't do it at school hopefully they can do it at home. said Puamau. "In Fiji, Rugby and Netball are the most popular sports but we want to offer basketball as an alternative choice for kids."

The original article can be found here.

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