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BMX athlete Bodi Turner receives whereabouts sanction


Press Release

11th May 2018

The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) has today acknowledged the decision of Cycling Australia and BMX Australia to impose a 15 month ban on Olympic athlete Bodi Turner for a Whereabouts violation.

Athletes in the World Anti-Doping Code’s Whereabouts system are required to provide their location for one hour every day so they can be located for testing. The system is essential for out-of-competition test planning, and to help prevent doping during training and off-season periods.

Athletes are required to maintain the accuracy of their Whereabouts information at all times, and to be available for testing within their nominated hour each day. Failure to do so on three occasions in a twelve month period can lead to a Whereabouts violation.

Mr Turner accumulated two missed tests, and one filing failure between November 2016 and August 2017. As a result of his sanction, he is ineligible to compete in any sport until 3 March 2019.

In order to help athletes meet their Whereabouts obligations, ASADA sends email reminders, offers text message updates, posts reminders on social media and works with sports to encourage athletes to submit their Whereabouts prior to the deadline. ASADA also has a full-time athlete services officer to assist any athletes having difficulties.

For further information on Whereabouts visit the ASADA website:

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