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Board discuss UEFA Euro 2020, Safeguarding, IT systems and Black History Month

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Our Board met on Thursday 21 October and set out below are the main discussion points.

John McDermott, Technical Director, and Gareth Southgate, England Men’s Senior Team Head Coach, presented an overview of the team’s performance at UEFA EURO 2020. The Board was able to see how the team’s performance has been assessed against the pre-tournament plan and how the experiences from the tournament will inform preparations for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

Sue Ravenlaw, Head of Safeguarding, and James Kendall, Director of Football Development, presented on our new Safeguarding Strategy. The new strategy follows publication of the report by Clive Sheldon QC into non-recent child sexual abuse in the game and will help to raise widespread consciousness of the importance of safeguarding in practice. Development of the strategy has followed on from a broad consultation exercise and it will be published in due course. James and Sue also updated the Board on safeguarding measures in the women’s professional game.
Since 2016, The FA has embarked upon a programme of improving the core IT systems which support the administration of the game. Part of the transitioning to the new IT infrastructure involves reliance on existing legacy systems. Craig Donald, Chief Information Officer, and James Kendall reported to the Board on the particular challenges users have experienced at grassroots level with the registration of players through the Platform For Football system. The Board was able to appreciate the reasons for these challenges and the steps being taken to resolve them going forward.

With October being Black History Month, the Board also received an overview of the work that we have carried out to celebrate the trailblazers of Black heritage who have had a positive impact on the game.

The original article can be found here.

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