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Brabners lawyer speaks at two international football law conferences

Brabners Sports law Partner Carol Couse recently joined other leading experts in the world of football and sports law to speak at the ninth International Football Law Conference held in Argentina.

Ms Couse, who was the only non-native speaker at the conference, joined prominent football law individuals from South America and Spain to speak about the impact of key legal developments and the opportunities and challenges being faced by the industry. Presenting to the audience in Spanish, Ms Couse spoke in length about the legal and regulatory requirements of international transfers of players to Europe, principally England, and in particular about the restrictions on the international transfers of players under 18, third party ownership of the so called "economic rights" in players, the UK work permit system for foreign players and the practical impact of the FA Football Agents Regulations. She also highlighted how the financial success of the Premier League in particular would continue to attract players from abroad and spoke about the various clubs, players and agents Brabners had advised in these international transactions.

Commenting on the event, Ms Couse, said: "One of the most interesting things that came out of the conference was a discussion about how third party ownership, which affected the likes of Tevez and Mascherano, is to be more tightly regulated not only in Europe but in South America and the opposition of many South American stake holders to this as the trading of economic rights in players represents a crucial source of funding that is not otherwise available."

The three-day conference was hosted by Austral University, Buenos Aires - one of the most prestigious law faculties in Argentina - and attracted officials from national federations and clubs, sports lawyers, and agents as well as academics from across South America and Europe.

In addition Ms Couse presented at the FIFPro legal conference in Lisbon earlier this year on the impact of the insolvency of Glasgow Rangers on its players and other football stakeholders. FIFPro is the global organisation of player unions of which the PFA is a member. In attendance at the event were player union representatives from across the globe, representatives of FIFA, UEFA, the European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL), and the European Club Association (ECA) amongst others.

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