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British Athletes Commission & UKAD work together for clean sport

The British Athletes Commission (BAC) has pledged its member's commitment to doping-free sport by working with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) to Register to a Clean Sport commitment statement.

The BAC is the independent members association for elite athletes, most of who are in receipt of World Class funding. By signing up to the statement, the BAC are confirming the UKAD and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) stance that 'cheating, including doping in sport is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport, undermining the otherwise positive impact of sport on society'.

The statement outlines how the BAC can support Clean Sport, with all members expected to play, train and compete in line with anti-doping rules and not condone, assist or support the use of prohibited substances and methods.

The statement also makes anyone acting on behalf of the BAC aware that they should contact the confidential ‘Report Doping in Sport’ hotline should they suspect or become aware of an athlete using prohibited substances or methods.

The BAC, which hosted its recent board meeting at UKAD’s London offices, follows both British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) and Kelly Holmes Education, who have also signed a Clean Sport commitment statement.

Karen Pickering MBE, Chair of the BAC, said: “The British Athletes Commission is delighted to sign the Clean Sport commitment statement with UK Anti-Doping. We believe that every athlete has the right to compete in clean sport. The BAC looks forward to working with UKAD on behalf of our members to work towards this goal through education and supporting preventative measures.”

UKAD Chief Executive Andy Parkinson added: “We are delighted to be working alongside the British Athletes Commission as we strive to protect clean athletes and provide them with confidence that everyone in sport is working collectively to minimise the risk of doping.”

“By signing up to the statement, they have committed to ensure the values and ethos of clean sport are clear to all their members and that they aim to help us protect Clean Sport in the UK. We look forward to a long term continued partnership with the BAC.”

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