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British bobsledder Nathan Togun given additional nine-year ban from sport

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has today confirmed that British bobsledder Nathan Togun will serve an additional nine-year ban from sport following an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) for Tampering and a breach of the terms of his original ban.

In August 2019, Mr Togun was issued with a four-year ban from sport after a Sample he provided on 6 October 2018 returned Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs) for metabolites of stanozolol. In the course of those proceedings, Mr Togun asserted that he had been prescribed stanozolol for a medical condition and provided UKAD with a ‘Statement of fitness for work’ certificate to support that assertion. This certificate purported to confirm that Mr Togun was not fit for work and indicated that he had been prescribed stanozolol.  

UKAD made enquiries to check the veracity of the document and found that the document was not genuine.

On 11 November 2022, UKAD charged Mr Togun with the commission of an ADRV for Tampering. On 14 February 2023, Mr Togun admitted the charge. Since this was Mr Togun’s second ADRV, the period of Ineligibility to be applied is eight years (which is twice the ban that would have been applied had this been Mr Togun’s first ADRV).

Separately, in late 2019, UKAD became aware that Mr Togun, while serving his original ban, had been assisting an Athlete licensed by the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBoC). Contrary to the terms of his ban, Mr Togun partook in sparring sessions with the Athlete and assisted him with strength and conditioning sessions.

On 25 October 2022 following a full investigation, UKAD charged Mr Togun with a breach of Article 10.12.1 of the ADR and proposed an additional period of Ineligibility of one-year by way of sanction. Mr Togun accepted this new period of Ineligibility in respect of the breach of his original ban.

Mr Togun’s nine-year ban from sport was deemed to have commenced on 13 November 2022 and will expire on 12 November 2031.

Jane Rumble, UKAD’s Chief Executive, added: “The rules are in place to make sure everyone plays their part in keeping sport clean and to ensure a level playing field.

Tampering with any part of the Doping Control process is a serious offence. Where an Athlete seeks to undermine the Doping Control process, including by providing falsified documentation to UKAD during Anti-Doping proceedings, they should be under no illusion that such behaviour will lead to a lengthy ban from sport.

Furthermore, this case shows that UKAD will act on intelligence and investigate to enforce bans on athletes who do not respect the conditions of their original sanctions.”

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