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British boxer, Jonathan Slowey, suspended following second violation for recreational drugs

British boxer, Jonathan Slowey, suspended following second violation for recreational drugs

Press Release

27 October 2016 - A 26-year-old professional boxer, Jonathan Slowey, has been suspended from all sport for three years following a second Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) for recreational drugs.

Slowey, from Glasgow, had previously served a four-month ban in 2010 after testing positive for cannabis in-competition.

On 26 September 2015 after a bout for the EBU-EU Featherweight title in Campania, Italy, Slowey tested positive for the presence of benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methylester – both metabolites of cocaine – following an in-competition test.

An independent National Anti-Doping Panel found that a second ADRV had been committed and following a review of evidence a period of ineligibility of three years was imposed.

UKAD Chief Executive Nicole Sapstead said: “Whether it was an athlete’s intention to cheat or not, they are solely responsible for any prohibited substance that is found to be in their system.

Whilst the principle of strict liability can be challenging for any athlete, they must be aware of the risks to their career if they test positive. It is essential that athletes – as well as family, friends, coaches and athlete support personnel – understand both the anti-doping rules and their responsibilities in order to manage that risk at all times.

Slowey is banned from all sport from 26 September 2015 until midnight on 25 September 2018.

The full written decision can be found under current rule violations on the UKAD website.

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