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British Elite Athletes Association joins UK Anti-Doping’s Athlete Commission to give Athletes a greater say

The British Elite Athletes Association (BEAA) has become a representative on UK Anti-Doping’s (UKAD) Athlete Commission. The Athlete Commission advises the UKAD Board and organisation on athlete-related anti-doping matters. Currently there are eight members on the Commission which is chaired by Professor Nicola Philips OBE, a UKAD Board Member. Two members from the BEAA will now sit on the Athlete Commission to inform future decision making. 

Olympic, Paralympic and professional sports are all represented on the Commission, which has the responsibility of working with other athlete-centred groups to ensure the wider views of the athlete community are represented and communicated to UKAD. It also engages with athletes to collect feedback on UKAD programmes. 

The Athlete Commission has three formal meetings per year and in the interim, members provide advice on a wide range of topics to UKAD. They provide feedback from an athletes’ perspective on communications, education content and operational matters.  

Representation from BEAA members on the Athlete Commission enables UKAD to reach a greater number of elite athletes and to receive feedback from a wider audience which will inform UKAD’s work. 

BEAA’s Chief Executive, Anna Watkins said of the appointment: “UKAD plays a central role in British sport. As the elite athletes’ representative body, the BEAA is committed to ensuring the athlete voice is heard at all levels, so I’m delighted that our expert, independent staff have been invited to represent our members on the UKAD Athlete Commission – further strengthening our relationship with one of the high-performance system’s key stakeholders.” 

Professor Nicola Philips OBE added: “I am delighted to extend the membership to the BEAA as this will only strengthen the athlete’s voice at UKAD and their decision making.” 


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