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CCES statement related to recent TSN story on anti-doping in Canadian university football

CCES statement related to recent TSN story on anti-doping in Canadian university football
August 21, 2014 – The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) wishes to comment on information reported in an article today published on the website.
  • As the custodian of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), the CCES complies with the World Anti-Doping Code and all the rules that constitute the Code. As part of this role, the CCES values, protects and defends the privacy of all athletes involved in sport who, through their sport organization, fall under the jurisdiction of the CADP.
  • Any athlete suspected of an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV), is entitled to due process in the management and reporting of it. In other words, the CCES does not discuss active cases or the associated testing circumstances until findings are ultimately determined by an independent arbitrator.
  • Neither the CCES nor a sport organization may publicly report the identity of an athlete or other person against whom the CCES may assert an ADRV until the assertion against the athlete or other person is formally made.
  • Under the CADP rules, the CCES publicly reports every ADRV within 20 days of its determination by an independent arbitrator (at a hearing or on appeal), or such hearing or appeal has been waived, or the assertion of an anti-doping rule violation has not been challenged in a timely fashion.
  • Since March 2014, there has been one determined ADRV within CIS football as communicated June 3, 2014, by the CCES (
  • Since the Waterloo investigation related to steroid use in 2010, 14 university football players have been sanctioned for ADRVs (not 11 as reported in the article). This information is available publicly in the Media Release Section of the CCES website.
  • Canada’s only WADA-accredited lab is the INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier located in Laval, Quebec. The CCES contracts this lab to conduct the sample analysis of all urine and blood samples collected during doping control.
  • While the CCES has a strong relationship with national sport organizations, the CCES alone determines and implements its testing plan and is fully autonomous in conducting its mandated responsibilities.
  • Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) has adopted the CADP and understands that CCES may test its athletes at the sole discretion of the CCES. The CIS is very supportive of comprehensive anti-doping efforts within the CIS.
  • The CCES has been and continues to be principally funded by Sport Canada. With the introduction of the 2015 CADP, all national sport organizations that adopt the 2015 CADP will now participate financially and practically in its implementation to help ensure anti-doping in Canada remains meaningful and effective.
  • The CCES continues its dialogue with the CIS and other stakeholders to optimize the application of the 2015 CADP. Comments on 2015 CADP Draft 2 ( are encouraged and welcome until September 8, 2014.

The CCES encourages Canadians and participants in our Canadian sport system to find out more about the Canadian Anti-Doping Program and clean sport by visiting our website at

The CCES is an independent, national, not-for profit organization with a responsibility to administer the CADP. Under the CADP rules, the CCES announces publicly every anti-doping rule violation. We recognize that true sport can make a great difference for individuals, communities and our country. We are committed to working collaboratively to activate a values-based and principle-driven sport system; protecting the integrity of sport from the negative forces of doping and other unethical threats; and advocating for sport that is fair, safe and open to everyone.




For further information, please contact:

Justin MacNeill

Communications Coordinator

+1 613-521-3340 x3314

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Danielle Côté

Associate Director, External Relations and Communications

+1 613-521-3340 x3307

+1 613-799-9057

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