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CAS Ad Hoc Division Rio 2016 - 18 cases registered – status as of 3 August 2016

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3 August 2016 – The ad hoc Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) at the Olympic Games Rio 2016 has now registered 18 procedures since its opening on 26 July 2016, setting a new record of cases for one edition of the Olympic Games.

In the afternoon of 3 August 2016, the situation is the following in the arbitrations involving Russian athletes:

  1. Vladimir Morozov and Nikita Lobintsev v/ FINA : a hearing took place on 31 July 2016 and was adjourned to allow the parties to provide additional information to the CAS Panel in charge of the case; this matter is now before the IOC for determination as to whether these two athletes are eligible to participate in the Rio Games or not.
  2. Yulia Efimova v/ Russian Olympic Committee (ROC), IOC and FINA: a hearing took place on 1 August 2016 and was adjourned; it will resume on 4 August 2016.
  3. Viktor Lebedev v/ ROC, IOC and United World Wrestling (UWW): this case will be heard after the Efimova case has been decided.
  4. Russian Weightlifting Federation (RWF) v/ International Weightlifting Federation (IWF): the RWF has appealed against its suspension; a hearing was held this morning and the Panel in charge of it decided to dismiss the application, considering that the IWF

    Rules allowing the IWF to sanction a national federation which “by reason of conduct connected with or associated with doping or anti-doping rule violations, brings the sport of weightlifting into disrepute” (Article 12.4 of the IWF Anti-doping Policy) was valid and was properly applied in the circumstances.

  5. Andrey Kraytor v/ IOC and International Canoe Federation (ICF): a hearing is scheduled for this evening, but the matter is now before the IOC for determination as to whether this athlete is eligible or not and so the CAS procedure may become moot.
  6. Daniil Andrienko and 16 other rowers v/ World Rowing Federation (FISA) and IOC: a hearing took place on 2 August 2016. The Panel in charge of it decided to dismiss the application considering that the FISA decision to deny the entry of these athletes in the Games was in accordance with the IOC decision of 24 July 2016 setting forth the criteria for the admission of the Russian athletes.
  7. Ivan Balandin v/ FISA: a hearing is taking place today.
  8. Anastasia Karabel & Ivan Podshivalov v/ FISA: a hearing is taking place today.
  9. Daria Ustinova v/ FINA, ROC and IOC: this case will be heard after the Efimova case has been decided.
  10. Tima Turieva, Ruslan Albegov, Adam Maligov and Artem Okulov v/ IWF and IOC: this application was filed today and no hearing has been scheduled yet.
  11. Kirill Sveshnikov, Dmitry Sokolov and Dmitry Strakhov v/ UCI and IOC: this application was filed today and no hearing has been scheduled yet.

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