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Circular no. 1852 - FIFA Club Protection Programme 2023-2026

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Circular no. 1852



FIFA Club Protection Programme 2023-2026

Dear Sir or Madam,

FIFA is pleased to confirm that the FIFA Club Protection Programme (hereinafter: “the Programme”) has been extended to cover the 2023 to 2026 period. We enclose the revised Technical Bulletin in respect of the Programme.


Under the Programme, clubs will be compensated, to a certain extent, if their professional football players are injured due to an accident while on duty with senior representative “A” teams for matches on dates listed in the international match calendar for the period up to 31 December 2026. Death, permanent disablement and other losses such as medical expenses or the like are not covered.

It is important to note that the scope of coverage of the Programme is unchanged from the previous period. As before, the Programme is designed to provide compensation (based on the player’s fixed salary) for football clubs in the event that football players participating in international “A” matches for the representative team of their association suffer a temporary total disablement, which lasts for more than 28 consecutive days, as a result of bodily injuries caused by an accident during the operative time of matches covered by the Programme.

Conditions and limits

The enclosed Technical Bulletin of the Programme explains the conditions, content, scope and limits of the Programme, as well as the claims procedure. We kindly advise you to read it carefully and to make sure that your relevant staff as well as all of your professional clubs receive a copy of this letter and the enclosure.

Please note that this letter is for information purposes only. With regard to the conditions and specifics of the Programme, the only authoritative and binding documents are the latest version of the Technical Bulletin and the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.

Claims process

The Programme claims process will continue to be managed by QuestGates UK Ltd and claims will continue to be reported via their portal. The contact details are contained within the Technical Bulletin, and for your reference, are also below:

Claims reporting:

Helpline number: +44 (0)1204 563 960

We trust that all of the above and the attached information will provide clarity as to the arrangements for this comprehensive programme and will continue to assist in maintaining strong relationships between clubs and national teams. Should you need any clarification regarding any aspect of the Programme, please contact FIFA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Yours faithfully,



Fatma Samoura

Secretary General

Encl.:   FIFA Club Protection Programme Technical Bulletin

cc:       - FIFA Council

- Confederations


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