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Commonwealth Games England implement their first mandatory anti-doping education policy

Monday 13 January 2014 - UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) is working in partnership with Commonwealth Games England (CGE) to provide anti-doping education to over 600 athletes, athlete support personnel and staff ahead of this year's Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.

At the 2013 World Conference on Doping in Sport in Johannesburg, effective education programmes were highlighted as a significant tool in the global fight against doping in sport.

UKAD and CGE have agreed a considerably enhanced approach to anti-doping education for Team England’s support staff for Glasgow 2014. Athlete support personnel are also covered by the World Anti- Doping Code (WADC) and can be charged with doping offences in four categories. It is vital that these staff recognise their crucial role and responsibility to keep sport clean, and their liabilities.

Each support staff member will now be required to undertake the UKAD online Advisor programme or the Coach Clean education programme depending on their role, prior to the Games to be part of Team England. All competing athletes will be offered Clean Sport and Clean Games education workshops in the build up to the Commonwealth Games in 2014 by UKAD.

Both education programmes contain essential anti-doping information and practical advice, including the risks of doping and each individual’s responsibility towards clean sport. This approach will support the prevention work already being done by the English National Governing Bodies responsible for the Commonwealth Games sports.

Commonwealth Games England Chief Executive Adam Paker said: “We hope that by being better informed and better equipped at every level of the support network, we can play a significant role in supporting the work of UKAD and the sports in the fight against doping in sport.

UKAD Director of Communications and Education Nicola Newman said: “It is fantastic to witness Commonwealth Games England’s robust commitment to anti-doping education and their realisation of the important role everyone has to play in clean sport."

We are delighted to be working alongside them as we strive to protect clean athletes, minimise the risk of doping and create a culture of clean sport in the UK. We look forward to a long term continued partnership with CGE.

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