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CONMEBOL and CAF invite to put on the shirt for equality

  • The official presentation of the program took place this Tuesday, June 6 at the CONMEBOL headquarters.

  • CONMEBOL and CAF are committed to promoting inclusion and promoting sports-based actions to empower girls and women.


The South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), present “Campeonas. With the shirt on for equality” a program to promote women's leadership in football.

This initiative that seeks to position soccer as a means of transformation for social inclusion, through spaces for comprehensive training and capacity building, for the development and empowerment of girls in the member countries of the confederation and in CAF shareholder countries.

The official presentation of the program took place this Tuesday, June 6 at the CONMEBOL headquarters, located in the city of Luque - Paraguay, and was attended by Nery Pumpido, Deputy Secretary General and Director of CONMEBOL Development, Fabimar Franchi Manager of CONMEBOL Women's Soccer Development and Jorge Srur, Asinelli, Ana Baiardi and Nathalie Gerbasi (CAF authorities).

In addition to promoting the development of girls, this Program also has the objective of strengthening the capacities of the technical and managerial teams of the clubs, in order to promote the empowerment of women and inclusive development in this sport.

In this context, CAF and CONMEBOL come together to carry out activities to promote inclusion and non-discrimination in soccer and promote sports-based actions to empower girls and women, and in women's soccer and encourage healthy practices.

“For CONMEBOL, the comprehensive development of girls and women who are part of soccer is very important, providing opportunities for more girls to practice and develop through soccer. In this way, this CAF initiative complements the activities that we carry out from CONMEBOL and strengthens the strategy to provide more opportunities for the development of soccer in our continent” , highlighted Nery Pumpido.

Regarding the initiative, Christian Asinelli, CAF's Corporate Vice President of Strategic Programming, commented that the institution seeks to support equality in all areas of life.

“CAF's goal is to reinforce its actions in pursuit of equality, inclusion and diversity to support member countries in their efforts on these agendas. In this sense, historically, sport has been, and in many aspects continues to be, a space reserved for men, to which women have been gradually incorporated, with an unequal participation even today", said Ana Baiardi, Gender Manager , Inclusion and Diversity of CAF.

This project is part of the activities carried out by the CAF Strategy for Gender Equality, which aims to contribute to equal opportunities and the empowerment of women throughout the region.

The initiative is a pioneer in Paraguay and is designed for girls and adolescents.

Around 80 girls from four soccer clubs will participate in the program, including the two most important in the country and one from the Aché Guayaki community.


– The teams that are part of the project –

The soccer teams that are part of this project are Cerro Porteño, Olimpia, Libertad Limpeño and Sport Kuetuvy de Canindeyú. The participants will be part of a training cycle of three modules: socio-emotional and leadership skills, communication skills; equal treatment and comprehensive health and nutrition.

The teams and managers of the clubs will participate in a series of talks on the approach to promoting women's sports.

These activities will take place until August and will be carried out at different club headquarters. To culminate with the project, a closing event will be held in September with all those who were part of the program.

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